Introduction - Characters / About Them.

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Toya Richmond - Main Character , is very strong throughout everything , has an attitude but is willing to work everything out. She insecure about many things but is working on improvement ; there's many obstacles she has to get through to get where she'd like to be. She has been through a lot in this story . She is played by Miracle Watts.

- Is 19
- Is from Miami and lives there.

Raheem Souls - Another main character, Raheem is Toya lover

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Raheem Souls - Another main character, Raheem is Toya lover. They both love each other but Raheem has a lot of maturing to do. He still in his "little boy" stage , he would rather party and have sex with many different women, but Raheem is also different in many ways. He makes the story what it is. Raheem is played by Odell Beckham.

Kianna Souls , Toya bestfriend and Raheem sister. Kianna has been Toya bestfriend for many years but for some odd reason they are falling off and this makes a lot of drama pop off! Kianna is funny , loud and blunt . Probably will be on of your favorite characters because of her crazy ass attitude. Kianna is played by Jilly Anais

Lirah Richmond - Is Toya big sister

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Lirah Richmond - Is Toya big sister. She is also like a mother to Toya and helps her with everything . She doesn't play behind her sister so when people fuck with Toya , guess who got her back? Lirah! She's like her right hand. But Lirah is going thru stuff on her own and can't always be there for Toya. She's more of a serious person and always looks out for others. She is played by Raven (I don't know her last name?)

Bernice Burgos - Bernice is seductive , sexy , and messy

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Bernice Burgos - Bernice is seductive , sexy , and messy. Bernice will do anything to fuck up a bitch life she hates , when Bernice and one of the other characters cross paths shit gets bad. She will get any and everything she wants , it don't matter how , when , or where. Bernice gets it. Bernice is played by Bernice Burgos.

Frank- Frank is a gay man , issa bad bitch , and WILL steal your man

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Frank- Frank is a gay man , issa bad bitch , and WILL steal your man. He keeps it real and that's all you need to know about him. Frank is played by _@frankyfraank on instagram.

 There's many more characters to come throughout this story maybe about 20 more ? Lol , but for the first chapter these characters will only be mentioned and a mysterious one , hmmm, yep I said it

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There's many more characters to come throughout this story maybe about 20 more ? Lol , but for the first chapter these characters will only be mentioned and a mysterious one , hmmm, yep I said it .

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