- chapter 9 - Rumors

Start from the beginning

" alright " she says walking away

" dude you have to tell me your secret they are saying that you alright had sex with her . they told me that she is wild is it true ? isn't she the girl that never had a boyfriend ? Man she has a great a$$ " one of popular said

" watch your mouth because she has a boyfriend now  " i say with my fists closed

" calm down dude i don't wanted to have her right now i will wait  for you to dump her " i walk to him and my fist connected with his nose then before i could hit again two guys grabbed my arms and he punched my stomach and he wouldn't stop if it wasn't Jonathan and the others.

" calm down dude i don't wanted to have her right now i will wait  for you to dump her " i walk to him and my fist connected with his nose then before i could hit again two guys grabbed my arms and he punched my stomach and he wouldn't stop if it ...

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Right now im in the office and the principal is saying that i will be suspended for 2 days .

" i hope this won't be repeted " she says.

" i can guarantee that it won't happen again " i says getting up and walking to my car.

" Talon what happen ? "  i heard  vanessa say
" what do you want? I don't want to talk to you " i say still walking but i could hear her steps behind me

" why ? "She asks touching my arm and i stop
" dont touch me. You still ask  why lets begin  you think we are dating ,because my father told you that i could be a great addition to your family because of the business, and Lilly is my girl now so you need to calm down"i say opening the door

" why her ? You could have anyone . " she says looking at me , i smiled thinking about what i love about Lilly.

" she is different, she doesn't expect anything to be perfect and she doesn't care if i am The Talon King, she makes me happy and she makes me want to be better "i say closing the door.

" what are ypu doing with your life son you know what people will think? " i heard my dad say when i got home

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" what are ypu doing with your life son you know what people will think? " i heard my dad say when i got home

" good morning to you too " i say with sarcasm

"  got to your room and don't bother coming to dinner " he says and i happily got to my room.  I don't understand why parents make kids go to their room its stupid they have everything in there room and most of us don't want to get out of the bedroom.

I was laid down on my bed when my phone light it up.

From: my princesa

' what happened? I had to dance alone without my dance partner '

I quickly text  back

To: my princesa

' i got suspended for 2 days... im sorry princesa next time i will be there and you won't miss me like you do right now ;) '

She can change my humour just with a text. 

From: my princesa

' i know but why what did you do ? ' 
To: my princesa

'I may or may not have punched a guy from the football team ' 

I felt my phone vibrate she is calling, i accept the call

" hi princesa " i say smiling  i know she can't see me im not that stupid.

" hi talon! Tell me the all story " she says. I didn't want to tell her but she deserves to know a little bit of the truth.

" so i was dressing to go to my dance partner when this guy maybe you know him...Finn...his name is Finn but whatever... he started talking to me and i didn't like his words so i punched him in the nose "

I heard her laugh

" why are you laughing ? " i ask confuse

" only you to hit Finn. Normally teammates don't hit each others "

" i don't care he said things really bad things " i say defending myself.

I heard my bedrooms door open and i see my mom with a small smile.

"* podemos falar filho soube agora que foste suspenso por 2 dias "(* can we talk i know you have been suspended for 2 days)  mom says

"* espera um pouco por favor " (* wait a second please)  i said to her and she nooded

" Lilly i have to go i need to talk to my mom , bey princesa" i put mu phone down and my mom seated on the bed.

" mom it was nothing " i say looking down

" what did he say ?  I know my son he wouldn't hit a boy for nothing" she stated. I was choked , i wasn't expecting this reaction from my mom

" i...he said something about Lilly..."

" i assume it was something bad. You need to control that son " she says and hugged me " i know your father told you not to be for dinner so i will give you money and i will let you go and take your sister with you. i will cover for both of you " she says

" im sorry mom you know your friends are going to say that you don't give me education " i say and i hear a laugh .

" i only care about the opinion of my kids and my best friend " she says kissing my forehead. 


I decided to update earlier  and im going to update tomorrow so wish me luck !

I just want to thank you for reading my book THANK YOU  😃

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