Chapter 32: Abducted?

Start from the beginning

The door to the room that was right in front of me opened to reveal an old couple. Old as in... they seemed to be in their late fifties. The fright that somehow seemed non-existent until now had weirdly shown up right after I saw them. I had that odd feeling you get when you see strangers, when you're surrounded by strangers.

Why did I throw such hurtful words at Nick? Though he deserved it. Why did I leave Nick! I wouldn't have been here if not. He would be thinking that I ran away. Which I did. He won't be knowing that I was being abducted by these fools. The doctor still stood quizzically looking at all of us.

"Are you fine?" The old man with his wife asked me and that brown eyed, brown haired man just ignored my question.

"Sir!" A young man entered the room, he looked too lean to be in a suit, yet his piercing eyes told how well he must be at his work. He seemed to be huffing like he ran all the way. He had some sheets in his hand which he handed over to this stiff man who was with me since I woke up and left with a bow. Bow?! Which century are they living in?

"Do you remember anything sweetie?" The old lady asked.
I looked at the couple again and thought it's better to answer, since they looked really concerned.

"I remember I had an accident; I woke up in a hospital room with my husband next to me. I don't know... I feel something's missing... anyways... then two men followed me.... they held something to my nose and... after a few minutes... I don't remember anything." Even though I felt like there was a very important part that was missing, I took a long breath and continued "I bet they were your men. Then all I know is I woke up here with this brooding man pacing the floor." The couple chuckled at the last sentence I said while the brooding man narrowed his eyes at me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Riccardo Donati Salvatore." He replied in his hoarse, strong voice. Hmm... Nice name.
When I looked quizzically at him, he gave me a small smile, that made him look quite young and soft.

"Mr. Salvatore, I request that you return me back to my husband." As soon as I said that his eyes screamed red.

"You are not going back to that bastard." He hissed.

"Mind your language. You will not talk that way about my husband." No matter who or what or how my husband is, I will not tolerate another man insulting him in front of me. Yeah, I know he kissed Melanie, that bitch! That is a matter that we'll have to deal with later on. But he's still my husband!

"That bloody... what has he done to you?!" He groaned holding his head.

"Dear... your husband is not really a nice person." I threw a murderous look at the women who flinched back into the old man's chest.

I suddenly felt too hot, like the room temperature just increased and slowly my breathing became harsh, but the old man still continued.

"You'll not see that man anymore." Replied the old man holding his wife to himself.

"You will not decide that for me." I whispered trying to catch my breath.

"Enough! You will not see that man again! And that's it! No more questions." Mr. Salvatore screamed at me.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? I very well know what I should do and who I should trust! Definitely not you. But what did my husband even do to you?!" I screamed and by now I was wheezing.

"HE BLOODY KILLED MY WOMAN!" He shouted and those were the last words I heard before I slipped into unconsciousness again.


"She's unconscious again." Riccardo whispered to himself. Like it was his own fault. The doctor started working on her while he turned away with the sheets in his hand.

He quickly opened the report his men got for him that clearly stated why Evelyn was in the hospital in the first place. He had his men pay the nurse a huge amount for this. It was handwritten and he had some difficulty reading it with the kind of handwriting it was written in- it took him a lot of time to interpret each bloody word! It did say that she was in fact admitted due to an accident. 'She didn't lie then' he thought.

It said she had a head injury that was clear with the bandage she had on her head. May lead to concussion. Then.... Severe pain in the stomach. Chances of infection? Recommend ultrasound for diagnosis and foetus condition.

What is with babies and him? They always left him with a painful strike on his heart.

Nicholas's POV

I walked out with my eyes down on the floor. But I guess no one noticed the watchman at the hospital doors. I didn't feel that suspicious about the other one at the gate, but this man looked too uncomfortable to be in my presence.

"Oliver, give a call to Mark and inform him to get that bloody guard at the door." I hissed out.

He looked back at me confused as to why but then still replied, "Yes Sir."

That man could definitely provide some information on Evelyn's location... if I get my hands on him!

I'm going to come get you soon Eve....
I have this feeling that you haven't run away from me.... for god's sake! I'm damn sure you can't even stay more than a day angry with me! I know you! It's not you... you would've come back to me by now... there's definitely someone's hand in it... and that someone might have abducted you.
And I need to make sure if you're alright or not.... and then our baby....

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