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So last night I had 4 different nightmares.

Nightmare #1
Daniel wasn't at school so I decided to txt him when I got home.

Me: Heyo, u ok?

I get a reply a few minutes later.

Daniel: I'm sorry but Daniel is gone. This is his grandmother.

Me: Why? How?

Daniels Gm: He committed suicide last night. I'm so sorry.

At that moment I didn't do anything except stare at the words in horror. I remember me just break down and start to cry. I remember all of the sadness in that one moment, and I still feel it.

Then I wake up.

Nightmare #2
(I don't remember this one as well)

I remember watching Daniel walk away. Then I remember him never coming back.

Nightmare #3
I see myself get murdered. I remember the look on Daniel's face. I remember all the sadness in his eyes. I remember him trying to escape this world. I remember how sad he always was.

Right before I see my own funeral, I wake up.

Nightmare #4
I'm tied to a chair, being tortured. Daniel just stands there and watches as if a spell has been casted on him so he can't move.

He just watches as I slowly die. And right before a knife slices my throat, I wake up.

So another thing about these dreams is that they look and feel so realistic it's not funny.

One of the only things that truly terrify me are my nightmares.

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