Meet Me, The Nerd

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Hola, me llamo Frank.

Do not call me Frank. I am a girl who would prefer to be called something like Franky, Fran, and just keep adding to the list. Just don't call me Frank.

My name probably needs some explanation. My parents thought I was going to be a boy, so they named me Frank. When I was born, they realized I was a girl and decided it would be feminist if they didn't change my name. I mean, why can't a girl be named Frank? Anyway, I liked my name in elementary school, but when I got into middle school, I started to get bullied. Now I'm going into high school and am not ready for that internal death. 

I am a HUGE nerd. I love all subjects in school and get relatively good grades.  I especially love science. And English. So... yeah.


I closed my computer with a jump as Maximus, my best/only friend, rested his hands on my abnormally bony shoulders. I pulled off my beats to talk to him.

"Jesus, don't do that."

"I can do what I want, and don't call me Jesus."

"That's not even the quote."

"Frank, come on. It's time to go. What were you even doing?"

Max is the only person allowed to call me Frank.

"Stuff...why do you care?"

"Ahh, avoiding the question, I see. Also, I care because my mom is awaiting me at my doorstep. She'll start hovering if I'm not home by 5. It's 4:45. Let's go already."

"I'm going, I'm going. Just give me a second."

"Does it look like I have a second?"




I packed up my computer and shoved it into my overly stuffed backpack. Max had already started to leave the library, where I was starting a weekly(secret) blog. 

"Don't you walk away from meee!" I yelled after Max. He gave me a pointed look and continued walking.

I waddled after him, squatting slightly from the weight of my backpack. I started to run a little to catch up, but it backfired and i ended up slipping on the puddle in front of the door. I stumbled for a moment before dropping to the floor on my butt. 

Hysterical laughter exploded from Max as he watched me struggle to get up from my sprawled position.

"How *wheeze* graceful *wheeze*" he said in between snorts and laughs.

"Mph." I exhaled loudly through my nose when I realized Max wasn't the only person who saw my common failure at life. At least 5 other people witnessed my home-made slip and slide.

"Yep, that's about right." I said as I saw one person in particular watching me flailing on the pavement. It was just my luck that my crush, Carter Patterson, was chuckling by the math room.

*image above is an outline of what Frank looks like, but with large glasses*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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