The Sigal Stone: Through Oblivion

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You finished strapping your father's armor on. It was steel plate, and extremely high quality steel plate at that. It was a full set, granting an impressive amount of protection from most types of attack, while giving the wearer an air of power as it crackled with some form of enchantment. Looking into the chest you dug out a cloak, which upon unfurling was revealed to be one that beared a stormcloak symbol on the back. Sliding it into place you noticed only two things left now. Reaching in you examined them, one was a leather bound journal, the other a sphere of some red stone. Placing them both in your new cloak you grabbed the sword, hauling it into place in its sheath. "Master Arngeir, I'm done collecting what was in the chest, can we please head back to High Hrothgar now?" You walked over, feeling safe for the first time since you crossed the border into Skyrim. Nodding Arngeir replied, "Stay close. The storm may easily come back during our descent." As you started down, you decided to try and learn about your father's time here. "What was my father like master?" It was a moment before the Greybeard replied. "Humble, eager to learn how to use his power for the greater good of mortal kind. He never once used his Voice, unless forced to." Smiling softly at the thought you looked up, "What did he look like?" This Arngeir replied to instantly, the memory of the Dragonborn engraved in his mind. "He was a head above most men, even the most imposing of them were smaller then he. He bore red war paint across his face, to hide the blood he bled. His eyes as blue as the sky on a clear day, his hair as blond as any Nord." You tried to picture it, not even able to use yourself as reference beyond height, the only thing you were similar to him in. Your hair and eyes were those of your mother's, and with no pictures of him, you had no way of knowing with certainty when your thoughts showed the correct appearance of your father.

Son. I fear the Greybeards would disown me if they found out. So I lied, slaying dragons was only part of why I left the monestary. I found a way to travel through Oblivion, to a new, safer land. You must use the Sigil Stone with this book, and stand upon the burial mound of a dragon, empty or filled. When the portal takes you, you will be out of place, in a land of pure magic. Do not fear, for I will be there to guide you. Should I fail to appear, you will be lead by my follower, he is loyal, and I met him during my travels. He can be trusted.

Shutting the journal shut you looked upon the mound over which you stood. Speaking aloud in the daedric tongue the ritual demanded you called to the sky "Divines, Daedric Lord's, take me from the land of Nirn, to a land of magic and safety. Where my father treaded before any other man of our make." The moment the last word was spoke the Sigil Stone glowed, then encased you in the energy of an Oblivion Gate.

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