"And how was Lizza supposed to understand you Lucas? How am I supposed to understand you, Alex? It's not like you'd both sit down, to have a chat with the both of us about your feelings. Or will you, from now?" I asked.

Both of them looked down. I felt pleased with myself. Finally, they had to realize how being kept in the dark felt.

Abruptly, Lucas laughed. Alexander too, smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You are, indeed, Liz's sister." he said, while Alex's grin broadened. I felt a small smile coming along at being compared to my sister. I and Alex looked at each other, smiling. I had a feeling, things were finally going to be okay.

Meanwhile, Lucas picked up a backpack, filling it with random things. I looked at him, questioningly. He told me, "California, right?"

I said, "I can't tell you if she will appreciate seeing you there after all you made her go through." In my head, I was already jumping around the room, the teenager in me still excited at the prospect of grand romantic gestures.

"I will take my chances." he replied. I nodded. I did my job. Now, it was all up to Lizza.

Alexander got up to leave, his work done. I mentally groaned. Were these two not making amends at all? A lot had happened tonight. I'd be happier if their enmity also ended tonight.

But, I couldn't ask Alex to stay. It was Lucas who could do that. It was Lucas who should do that.

I meekly followed him muttering a 'best of luck' to Lucas.

"Norah?" Lucas stopped me.

"Yeah?" I asked, pulling Alex by his hand to stop him.

"Sorry. About everything. You misunderstood me."

"It's okay. It was my fault." I smiled, wishing so hard that he'd say something to Alex. Anything.

We lingered in the doorway during the most awkward pause in the history of awkward moments until I asked Lucas, "Why did you wink at me in Professor Brown's class?"

"He winked at you?" Alex asked, almost angry.

"Yeah, I did." Lucas said, not sounding even a little bit apologetic. I mentally screamed at him. Why was Lucas getting him angrier than he already was?

"Why?" Alex asked, his voice low, threatening.

"Why did you send Lizza away?" Lucas asked, stepping closer to us. I gripped Alex's hand, not really comprehending where this was going.

"It was her choice. She was not safe here." Alex growled out.

"She was not safe. Maybe. But, I had to know, if she was going anywhere. You had no right to...." Lucas stopped. I could tell he was irritated. And he was also wrong. And he also knew that.

"To keep her safe? To keep atleast one of you safe? You know we were fucked. She got involved in this mess enough." Alex said, equally frustrated.

Lucas was at a loss of words. I said, "Luke, we understand you like her and what Alex did hurt you and Lizza both. But, keeping Lizza here could only hurt the both of you more, in literal sense. Stop blaming Alexander."

"I just....get pissed. She hates me now. She thinks... I couldn't make her stay." Lucas said, struggling for words.

"She doesn't think any of that. Whether she hates you or not, you will have to find out." I told him.

He barely looked at me as he stared towards Alex and Alex at him.

Lucas then surprised me and Alex too, when he said, "Sorry, Alex."

"You took too long." Alexander said, not showing a lot of emotion. I squeezed his hand, knowing that it was tough for Alex to forgive Lucas, but, it had to end tonight, right there.

"I know." Lucas said.

There was another pause, not so awkward, before Alex said, "She's gonna kick your ass, dude."

I felt relief wash over me and I smiled happily at the both of them. Lucas's and Alex's happiness wasn't that evident on their faces, but, the way Alexander squeezed my hand and put his arm around my waist, I knew that this was the happy beginning.

Luke plainly laughed it off, and said, "If we're talking about asses, if I were you, Norah, I'd leave his creepy ass."

"Atleast it wasn't me who who scared her in a class." Alex hit back.

"Atleast it wasn't me who stalked her like a pro." Lucas said.

"I was trying to protect her." Alex argued.

"Keep saying that to yourself." Lucas laughed out.

I said, "I can see why you guys were such good friends. But, I'd really like to sleep. And this place stinks."

Soon enough, a few goodbyes were exchanged, and me and Alex headed towards his dorm.

"So, you mad at me?" Alex asked.

"Mad at you? For what? Protecting my sister? Protecting me? Loving me?" I said, smiling.

"I didn't say I love you." Alex said.

My eyes widened at the words I let out. And I felt some sort of a rejection wave passing over me. I looked away and stuttered, "Sorry I wasn't-- trying to-- it just sli--I am sorry."

"Sorry for what? Putting up with me? Being there for me? Loving me?" he asked, looking straight at me.

"I--" I was trying to get words out of my mouth when he put a finger over my lips.

"Shh... I love you, Norah." he said. Firmly. Certainly. Intensely.

There was too much moisture in my eyes, and my throat was clogged to reply. I almost collapsed on him. He put his arms around my waist, and we just stood there.

When his words finally sunk in, I pulled away from him, and looked in his eyes, just like he had. "I love you too." I said.
He smiled so wide.

And just like that, I knew that I found Alex. I finally found him.


Sucker for happy endings. But, aren't we all?

Also, for the epilogue, what do you guys want?

A peek into Lucas and Lizza's future?

Or Alex and Norah into the future doing their thing. *wink* *cough*

Or another peek into Alexander's mind? (i.e. Alexander's POV)

I'll go by the majority. Just comment on what you want to see.


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