5 # shades of jealousy

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Chapter 5:- Shades of jealousy

Fully loaded with fury, I stalked towards my next class. Alexander had deliberately planned our second meeting? For what? If asked, he'd definitely say something about wanting to know more about me, or wanting to make sure I was safe. But, he could've done it without taking the trouble to hack into stuff. He could've gotten expelled, for God's sake.

I kept my anger in check as I answered a pop up quiz. For the first time in the class, I noticed Lucas Rivera enter. He had a few quiet words with the professor, who gave him the quiz paper as well. That had me surprised. He didn't attend a single class before. For what reason could he possibly want to answer a test?

He quietly made way to the end and stopped at a desk before me. If he noticed the stares other students were sending towards him, he ignored it well. I engrossed myself in opening and closing the zipper of my backpack more times than necessary. Apparently, Lucas was not in a mood to ignore me. Not today.

He stared straight at me, I could sense it. I could feel his eyes on me. I held my breath and did not dare to look up at him. I had no idea why I was refusing to do so. Maybe I was still not over the fact that I had almost seen him in a gunfight. And I had no idea how to interpret his 'long way back' relationship with Alex.

After spending thirty seconds or so if quiet contemplation, I finally looked up. Only to see that he was sharply staring at me. When I didn't change my expression, he looked down and shook his head lightly, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips.

A moment later, he looked up again and winked at me. And sat on the desk, turning towards the front of the class. As if this torture wasn't enough, he once again looked back at me with a slight twitch of his lips.

Wha-why would he wink at me?

I was surprised. No, shocked. I was utterly shocked. I could not fathom a single reason why would he suddenly want to associate with me? After his abrupt 'Take care of her' to Alex on the race track, Alex had offered no explanation. Could he explain this?

Was he mocking me? Did he sense it that I was almost afraid of him?

Maybe he could. But, his smile was wistful. Almost nostalgic.

In midst of my analysis, I couldn't even focus properly on the bloody test. I hastily wrote down the few subjective answers, in an attempt to get out of the class fast. I couldn't stand another minute of Lucas breathing down my neck. Well, he wasn't technically.

But, strangely I felt afraid of Lucas. I'd never been afraid or frightened of Alexander. Even in his worst moods. Not that I'd seen him angry a lot.

I didn't bother to recheck my answers as I made way towards the front of the room to submit my paper. On the way, I permitted myself a singular sideways glance at Lucas Rivera. I instantly regretted my immature decision when I met his eyes. He looked at me, a dangerous smile on his face.

His eyes weren't hypnotic, like Alexander's. But, a chill ran down my spine as his eyes tracked me as I crossed the room and absentmindedly submitted my paper to the professor.

If I could, I would've ran out of the class.

What the hell was that?

I desperately needed to meet Alexander. I debated on calling him or going to his dorm and decided on the former.

"Hey." he answered.

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