The Stranger .....Harry styles

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Kaylee walks down a nearby streetbum,ping into the stranger also known as  the Harry Styles,kayllee never Understands how she was put into the messed up world of the stranger she had just met

Kaylees POV

"Honey can you take the clothes to the laundry mat for me please," Ugh, ok mom just promise you wont talk like that again ok.'Ok bye tanks again honey" Bye  mom"I grab my coat knowing today was going to be one of London's chilly weather.As i was walking down the streets I never knew how beautiful london was , never minding the sewer stench that strivvled my nose it was still beautiful.Walking down i Notice a boy in a grey hoody with a beanie on his head strugling to keep his brown curls in .His beautiful site kept my eyes glued on him , but knowing me i am a very clumsy person I personally thought i out crew that ,but Im always wrong.I trip over athe smallest pebble possible maybe that pebble can win the Smallest Pebbel Award it was that small.When i try to get up two large hands grasp my waist.after i saw who it was all I could say was" yyyoouuu Loookk beautiful',Crap i stuttered .i felt my cheeks turn bright read."Thanks i get that alot ".he answered with a chuckle and smirk."Immmm kayklee' I said as i stuck out my  hand for him to shake .'im Joe 'When he said that i automatically knew he was lying i could see it in his eyes, but i brushed it off."let me help you up'gestering his hands toward my mine.As i got up i stub-bled again, but luckily he caught me. "you sure are clumsy".Right before i can answer that he asked me a queston that took me by surprise. " do you want to go to dinner with me tommorrow, if thats ok with you :",.Yeah , isaid to excited and too fast. " ok Ill pick you up at 7 , Oh and here is my phone number" As  he dialled my number i thought how would my mother rreact top this i definertl;y know she wont be happy.'here bye see you tommorrow ' as he walked off and me going back to what my mother told me to do.        

when i was done i walked home still thinking of incredible cute he was ." hey mom here is the clothes '' as i set my clothes down my sister Kaylea stared at me into deep thought., it was me ,my sister Kayle , my mom Kathrine,and dad Kyle. my dad is always at work almost everday but i see him in the weekends, but i miss him." kaylee wheere have you been ' My mom said with a questionain g look,'yeah , where have you been ' Kayla ssaid ith a mocing tone and a stupid smile on her face.I gave her s glare that told her to back off in wich she did.'Oh , It was a really long line' I know lieing to your mom is really bad but she would never lry me see a nother light of another day if i said i was with a boy."oh ,ok just eat dinner'" i grabbed my plate of food and went upstairs to eat.when il was just about to watch an episode of glee I noticed a text from and un known number ." Are you still going to dinner?"      " um who is this "i replied the text       " Its harry '    " Um i dont know a harry"   "Um, I'll Tell you in dinner " KAYLEE .i have a package for you from something called Modest Managment",sweety its a really thick envelope',Did you do anything stupid' Ugh , no mom', I stached it from my mom eyeing it with my name smat dab in the middle of it.i open it slowly riping the sides .Dear,Kaylee Jonson ,we modest managment would like to see you and talk to you in person bring these papers signed tommorow. It was a lot of papersw so i didnt feel like signing anything ."soo what is honey"Oh ,you knowjust a regular meeting" I didnt feel like telling my mom she would overeact about every thing."ugh, Mom ,bye goodnight see you tommorrow ,' and Kayla ,sleep in your own bed.'

THE NEXT DAY*******************************************************************************************

BEEP* BEEP* BEEP*. Ugh,i promise you if i got a nickle every time i want to kill my alarm clock i would be swimming in gold even though it would hurt like crap.I take a 10 minute or so shower .Get dressed in my favorite dress and shoes just be pretty ,but never forgetting a Little makeup..i get done grabbed my books and the envelope i have just gotten yesterday.'BYE ,MOM' i screamed through the door .'I MIGHT BE LATE  ,BECAUSE OF THE MEETING.' OK , she yelled out .I start to walk towards the bus ,but a large hand grasped my forearm.just as i was about to run ,kick, or scream ,I noticed that it was Joe or Harry i never knew." I' ll drive hop in', he said gesturing me to walk.i accept without having any second thoughts.It was a very nice car , i think it was an Audi."is your name harry or Joe ' i ask very settle knowing it was the right time to ask.He sighed very heavily .

The Stranger .....Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now