Get the car

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Chapter 2:


"Okay this is the plan, get into Ms. Spencer's house and find the key to her Esclade. Grab anything you think could be useful, canned food, water, first aide supplies, and ammo. I know her husband had a gun closet in the basement." Daryl gave me the orders so fast I could barley keep up.

"Okay. What do I do if I find one of them?" I asked, afraid I how he would reply.

"Kill it. You ain't stupid." he told me like that was the obvious answer.

I grabbed my bow and went to check the street for what Daryl had nick-named "walkers". I wasn't ready to start calling them that, these used to be people I knew and grew up with. Now they are dead and risen again and he just expects me to put them to rest without a second thought.

I looked out the window and saw the beautiful mountains that were so familiar to me. The sun was just coming up over the mountain. I can't remember the last time I was up this early of my own free will. I guess I'm going to need to get used to that if I'm going to stay alive. There about 5 walkers out on the street, with Daryl watching my back I should be able to handle them.

I step out into the crisp autumn air and take a deep breath. That was a huge mistake. The smell of rotting meat hit me so hard my eyes started to water. I did everything I could to keep from making any noise... if any of the walkers heard you you're dead meat. Literally. 

Walking as quietly as possible, coming up behind what used to be my math teacher. I only hesitated for a moment then stuck my hunting knife into the soft spot at the base of his skull. Black blood splatters all over my shirt and neck and I pull my knife out of him and wipe it in my shirt. Not like I have anyone to impress anymore. 

The path to Ms. Spencer's house was clear so I took my chances and ran for it. I rushed to grab the key that she always kept on top of the door frame and unlocked the door. I shut the door behind me as softly as I could, trying to avoid getting into a situation I wouldn't get out of alive.

Once I found the keys I went to the garage and unlocked the car and opened the trunk. I walked back into the kitchen and opened the cupboard. Ms. Spencer was obviously one of those people that was well prepared for any sort of emerency.There were so many cans of food I couldn't help but gasp. I grabed everything I could hold and moved it to the back of the car then did that until there was nothing left in the pantry. Daryl and I would be set for at least a year now. Food, Medical supplies, camping supplies, toiletries, and everything else you might need to survive. I remembered about the gun closet that Daryl told me about, so I went looking for it. The closet was well hiden, so it took me a little while to find. Once I found it I was glad I had. The number of guns suprised me at first. My daddy always loved guns so we always had quite a few, but this was more then I'd ever seen in one place before.

I found a gun bag full of bullets and I slung it over my sholder. I grabbed as many rifles and hand guns as I could carry then started to make my way to the garage. As I make my way up the stairs I accidentaly drop one of the pistols and it drops with a loud thump. Suddenly I hear groaning coming from upstair. I silentley curse myself for forgeting to check if the house was empty. I rush up the stairs and as soon as I get to the top I'm hit with a sudden force that knocks the wind out of me. The next thing I know is there is someone on top of me. I turn my head to see Ms. Jones, her eyes clouded over and her skin falling off her old bones.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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