chapter 8

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Mia's POV
Ethan always was upto something. When I went after him I found out that he was drunk. Not that I can blame him. You see his father is in coma and so his mother started drinking. He had caught onto it and it became a very bad addiction. He was a trained wolf so he could hide his smell very well. So I knew he had to let off steam when he was not found. That doesn't mean he's off the hook. No, he'll be punished.

Ugh... There's so much stress on me. I have meetings to attend, spend time with my people and even go the pack house. Let's just say my mother decides to have "family dinner" the day I have most work. Yay!

*time lapse to lunch*

My mood is off. So after I told my schedule to you all I had class. The class before lunch which was a human teachers. She gave me detention!! For, as she puts it "irritating a classmate". You can't blame me that guy was human and I was bored. Meh! Whatever! I'll skip detention as the teacher is wolf (I have been to detention before).

I go to sit under my favorite tree. Its been a while, frankly and I'm happy to be back here. As I reach it my senses start to tingle and I find my mate sitting there with a sandwich in his hand. All my friends appear and I snatch his sandwich. He looks like he's about to protest but stops when he sees me. 

I turned to Ashley and said "he was sure about to protest" and we snicker.
He looked excited and confused at the same time. I took a bite of his sandwich. Mmm turkey!! I really did like turkey.

He looks a little pissed and says "hey!! That's mine and I'm hungry so do you mind giving my sandwich back to me"

That came out so cutely. His eyes glaze and after a few minutes he stands and abruptly walks away. I sigh... Its going to be a long time till he can trust me.

"Let's get started then" my wolf says.

*time lapse to last hour*
My wolf and I are ecstatic!! Our mates in the same class as us. Although he sits up front he keeps turning back and glancing at me.
"mate likes to see us" my wolf kept chanting. She was literally doing a happy dance in my head.

It was almost the end of the class and I was ready to go to my mate. I hadn't even touched him properly. I was going to ask him if he would like to hang out!!

As soon as the bell goes I'm beside his table and grinning at him. He gives me a weird look and picks his books to go but I stop him and get the question out "would you like to hang out with me in the evening??"

It comes out more like a demand and less like a question. His eyes widen for a second and mouth opens a bit he close his mouth and bites his lip. I stare at his lips licking my own. He probably saw that and released his lip.

"You want to hang out with me??" He says stressing on "me". I furrow my eyebrows together and nod.

"Yeah. So can I ??" He looks down and smiles. I'm over the moon. My wolf howls in my head. Happy that we made him smile.

"yeah, I-I guess" he stutters quickly, making his way out but my heart beats faster when he says

" I will be waiting."

Here's the next chapter!!!
So sorry for the delay.

Oh!!! Can someone tell me how to write in etalics and bold. I can't figure it out!!

Hope you all had/have a lovely dayyyy!!!!

So, till next time!!

PS it will be soon!!!

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