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So today is Monday and I'm still staying over kandi's house. I told Ayo I was gonna stay here for a while.

Me and Kandi walked to the bus stop where we met Zay.

Val: you know what guys

Them: what

Val: why don't we just skip

Zay: why you wanna do that

Val: because I don't wanna go

Kandi: me neither to be honest... and it's only one day

Zay: if you sure I'm sure. Y'all know we on that ride of die stuff.

Kandi: where we gonna go

Zay: lets go to my aunts house she don't care about nothing

Us: okay

We walk to Zay's aunt house.

Zay aunt: what y'all doing aunt talk possed be in schoo

Zay: we skipping

Zay aunt: aww okay I got some pizza if y'all get hung

We sit down on the couch

Kandi: so Val when do you wanna go back home?

Val: I don't wanna think about that

Zay aunt: I got frans coming over y'all

Just as she says that the door bell rings. She answers it and about four more ratchet people walk in.

Some male: hey lil mama

Val: umm... hi?

He comes over to me and starts caressing my arm and stuff. I snack his hand away so quickly and Zay pulls me over to him.

Zay: don't do that

Then they all start smoking weed. Dang got me inhaling this stuff.

Val: I'm bout high as a kite

Kandi: hol up..  if you got yo leg cut off would it hurt?

Zay: hell yeah yo leg got cut off

Kandi: but if yo leg is gone where would the pain be?

Val: hol up..

Zay: you right

Kandi&Val: There would be nothing to feel the pain on!!!

Zay: danggg

Kandi: lets go to dollar tree

We walked to dollar tree


Man that's a shame what Mateo did. My phone rings

Ayo: hello?

Lady: yes this is Valentines homeroom teacher and I'm just calling to because she was absent today.

Ayo: I don't know why? I'll check with her friends mom

Lady: okay

I can Kandi's mom

Kandi mom: thank goodness you called have you seen Kandi? I got a call from school saying she was absent but I watched the kids walk to the bus stop this morning

Ayo: I just got the same call for Val. Let me check something and I'll call you back

Km: okay

Yup she has her location on. She's at a dollar tree. I get in my car and drive to that dollar tree


We just chilling and I saw someone walking towards us..

Val: Ayo.. *mumbles*. Damn

I have Zay on my right and Kandi on my left.

Ayo: why didn't you guys go to school?

Val: Ayo.. you know what I'm gonna say it

Ayo:  say it

Val: I don't care that you broke your arm

Ayo: this is not a time for jokes tell me the truth

Val: we ain't wanna go

Then he just started lecturing us and tbh I have a short attention span so I really didn't pay attention to a word he said.

Ayo: you got that?

Us: yes sorry 😐

We all went in Ayo's car dropped Zay off and his Aunt that he lives with wasn't there. So we went to Kandi's house.

Kandi got a lecture from her mom and all that.

Kandi mom: Val sorry but you're gonna have to go home because me and Kandi leave in the morning on a two day trip.

I rub my face with both of my hands.

Ayo: Come on

We made it to the house...

Ayo And Teo Little Sister (completed)Where stories live. Discover now