"This place is fantastic!" I exclaimed, tugging at the arm of my aunt's cloak. There were shops selling all sorts of things. Windows were messily stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels eyes, whilst others were filled with rolls of parchment, potions bottles, and spell books.

"Now, let me take your luggage, and all you need to do, is go into that shop over there." She pointed to one nearby. "While I go and take care of some important business, I will meet you back here once I'm finished." I nodded quickly, as she stood back up, and walked away with my luggage. I then gazed at the shop I was about to enter. It had a sign hanging above one of the windows, 'Olivanders.'

   I quietly opened the door, nobody appeared to be inside, all I could manage to see were many long boxes, I had no clue of their value, so I wasn't completely amazed. I began to hear a sound of movement coming from behind a wall, I hesitated for a moment, until an older man with locks of curly grey hair suddenly appeared.

"Ahh, I was wondering when I'd be seeing you, Miss Crow." He smiled sweetly, I was rather confused as to how he knew my name, although I didn't question it. I stepped closer inside and towards what I could only assume was his desk, as he climbed down a ladder he was currently standing on.

As I glanced around the room, I began to slowly realise that I was about to Purchase my first wand. I noticed Aunt Mable scurry into the shop, handing my a ton of golden coins.

  "Where did you get all this money from Aunt Mable?" I asked in a shocked tone, admiring the many coins placed into the palms of my hands.

"You didn't think your mother would leave you with nothing now, did you?" She grinned.

I smiled, as I turned back to the man, who was patiently waiting to get started in delivering my first wand. I smiled, patiently waiting for him to speak.

"Now, please wait a short moment while I find you a wand." He smiled before disappearing behind a wall filled with plain black boxes. Aunt Mable and I excitedly anticipated his return.

"I wonder."

"Here we go Emmalina." He placed the wand in the palms of my hands, as I gazed down at it for a few moments. It's features were rather bland, although it had a rather curved tip.

"Your wand is made from Hornbeam, with a core of Dragon Heartstring." He explained. "It's a powerful implement that bonds to its first user, taking on their moral code as well as being useless in the hands of anyone else."

I nodded in amazement.

"Its sentience is obvious to anyone that handles it, particularly the witch or wizard that it makes a life connection with. While this could be used for evil, it seems more likely to be used for good." He concluded.

"Woah." I said, twirling the wand between my fingers. My mind then began to wander, lost in a daydream. I thought about the many things I'd now be able to do with it. This was until I was jolted out my thoughts.

I began to feel a sudden warmth in my fingers. I raised the wand into the air and above my head, as I then swished it down through the dusty air. I could now see a stream of blue and grey sparks, that shot from the tip of the wand like a firework. Aunt Mable's eyes glistened at the sight of this.

"Curious, very curious." The man said. He took the wand out of my hand and placed back into its box, wrapping it with brown paper.

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