"Just...because of that?" Yuya snickered.

"It's irritating me, you know! And it's irritated me more to know he's become Ryosuke's slave"

Ryosuke didn't remember such story, but not with Daiki. Ryosuke glanced at him, made an apologized face. Daiki just smiled at him wryly and shaking his head mean he didn't mind it. But when they turned their attention again at them, they gave the same shocked expression. Because they (Takaki and Chinen) were closed their distance. Takaki's hand was leaned against the wall.

"Hey, why don't you just leave Yamada and come to me?" Takaki asked Chinen in seductive way. Ryosuke gritted his teeth saw it. His hands which clenched since the beginning already showed white knuckles.

Chinen smirked at him. "Why should I come to you?"

"Because I really love you, I won't hurt you, not like that Yamada"

Chinen just laughed a little heartily. Moment later, Takaki leaned forward to him kissed his lips. Daiki and Ryosuke of course very shocked. Daiki felt like he couldn't look at Ryosuke's face right now, it's hurt him to see the latter's sad and hurtful expression. But he glanced at him anyway, and he was right. Ryosuke didn't understand anymore, his feet were so weight and his heart was in a sharp pain. Yet he came out from his hiding place toward his boyfriend who still kissed with another guy. Daiki reflected following him.

"Chinen Yuri"

The short guy broke the kiss and turned his head toward Ryosuke. And he was very shocked. Like a culprit did crime red handed.

"We need to talk"

Daiki understand that he must leaved them alone to solve the problem. And Takaki seemed also understand that and left them first. Before Daiki made his way out from that place, he caught a glimpse of Chinen glaring at him. He felt a chill disturbed his feeling like something bad will happen.


Ryosuke closed his eyes enjoying the wind which caressed his hair softly. He leaned his back on the bench, and using his both hands as his pillow. His mind went through past few times ago, where he argued with his boyfriend, Chinen Yuri. He never realized what Chinen did after this time.

"Ryochan~ don't be angry with me ne nee~?" Chinen still tried to clinging at Ryosuke.

"Chinen Yuri, I have the right to be angry at you because you've cheated on me!"

"But I didn't intent to, i-it's Yuya's fault for seducing me!"

Ryosuke looked at him in disbelieve. "And accepted his kiss?"

Chinen looked for excused and gapped-closed his mouth. "I-I can't help, he forced me to do that"

Ryosuke glared at him. "For what i was saw, you're willingly doing that. No resistance. Am I wrong?"

Ryosuke couldn't think clearly anymore, he was angry, dissapointed, and sad at the same time. He sighed hard. "Why're you doing all of that?"

"Doing what?"

"Bullying. You are the one behind all the bullying, right?"

"What? Who told you that lie? Him? You believe that nerd instead of me?"

"No, I heard it from your mouth!"

Chinen gasped, realized Ryousuke already heard all his conversation with Yuya. He couldn't say a word. He felt cornered.

"Yeah, I am the one who told them to bully that ugly, I am the one who made him couldn't come to student council and I am the one who put all the garbage because he deserve it , now what?!" Chinen blurted all.

Ryosuke shook his head and made unbelievable look. "I didn't know you are such an asshole" said Ryosuke contained his anger but he tried to maintain himself. "I think we should end this now" he exhaled deep breath.

Chinen widened his eyes in shock. "You can't be, Ryochan, you won't dare-"

"Let's break up"

Chinen gapped his mouth.

"And just so you know, Daiki doesn't deserve all your garbage."

With that one sentence, Ryosuke already decided to leave him. He walked further and further away from him. Still he could hear Chinen shouted a curse words at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows still closed his eyes, when he felt a warm fingers ran through his eyebrows from the inner to outer line. That movement made his stiff eye-muscles lessen a little. He opened his eyes to meet with a honey brown innocent iris which protected by a clear glasses.

"Senpai...sorry to wake you up. I-I just want to help ease your muscle-tense"

"Thanks..." he smiled to the other guy then sat up. He patted the empty seat beside him, noted the latter to sit.

Daiki awkwardly sat down there, looking down to his hands which twirled with each other. He was searching for words to begin the conversation and couldn't end up with any idea.


"I'm sorry"

Just one word left from the older guy mouth could suck his world in. Daiki looked at him in worry. He felt bad for him, that Ryosuke already apologized for few times in this hard situation, and it's not like it's his fault anyway. The latter returned his gaze to meet the honey brown. He chuckled instead saw Daiki's face.

"You don't have to make that face"

The younger came back to reality and fixed his expression. He smiled at him sheepishly.

"I don't know that they all bullied you by his order. And it all because of me" Ryosuke made a loud sigh after saying that. "This must be hard for you..."

"And for you too, senpai. Don't blame yourself, it is not entirely your fault" Daiki pressed his lips while shook his head. They glanced at each other eyes. Then laughed wryly.

"Can I borrow your body for a while?" Ryosuke asked suddenly.

Daiki jolted a little but he understand what he meant, he nodded. "Of course, I'm here for you, senpai"

Ryosuke awkwardly put his hands around Daiki's body, hold him tight in one embrace. He shifted his body and made himself comfortable. Daiki's heart thumped faster, he bet the latter knew, but Ryosuke didn't say anything, because he himself also felt a little racing heartbeat. Ryosuke rested his head on Daiki's shoulder. Daiki awkwardly returned the latter's hug and place one hand on his back.

"I thought he's so faithful" Ryosuke said. Daiki glanced at him with his corner eyes then continue to listen.

"I never thought he could betray me like this and did horrible things to other people, to you"

Daiki soothed him, caressed his back up and down. Then he heard a soft sob. He felt his shoulder's fabric wet. He knew Ryosuke was crying. It's only normal when the one you love hurt you and betrayed you. Daiki kept soothed him until the latter pulled apart. Ryosuke wiped his tears away.

"Thanks" he said with a wet eyes and sad smile.

Daiki just nodded at him then patted his shoulder, still awkwardly. Ryosuke grabbed Daiki's hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad that you are here with me" he said then with a sincere smile and the latter returned with the same sincere smile.

That day, Ryosuke demanded to be left alone for a while. Daiki understood and let him be. Haruna and Yuto questioned him about Ryosuke's gloomy behavior but Daiki felt he didn't have the right to spit them out. He just suggested them to ask Ryosuke themselves.



a/n: Sorry for making Chii a bad boy here (_ _) it's only a ff. Actually i like Chii too so please bear with it ^^; this chapter is short right? because the next is probably be a long chapt...please wait with patience. Thank you~

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