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Kinan's mother sped away from the hospital, fear was prevalent in her eyes.

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?" Kinan yelled aggressively, Kinan's face became a white sheet and he started to feel light headed.  Something is wrong he thought, his eyes became heavy but he forced himself to keep them from closing. His hand felt heavier than lead, his eyes shifted to his hand and he noticed that the tip of his fingers were as black as coal.

His mother didn't seem to notice his lack of animation, she was too busy driving and worrying about his safety. She couldn't believe that the curse was progressing fast. If only Kiche had been there to see it maybe he would have known what to do in that situation, but all she could think of was to get out of there. She sighed and looked over at her son, he was asleep already! She thought to herself. A blaring horn brought her attention back to the road. She jerks the car back into her lane. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, she shook her head, drew a deep breath, and drove back to the cursed house that she wanted so much to get away from.

Kinan  woke up and he could see his house, his home. He looked out of the car window, his mother was out in the front yard, looking exasperated.  He pulled the door handle and pushed the car door open, then all at once he felt sick again, felt like his heart was being crushed by a thousand bags of sand. Kinan keeled over in pain, a burning sensation seared his body. As soon as it came, it stopped. Kinan was in shock, confused at what just happened. He leaned up and looked at his mother; she stood there staring at him, then turned away like nothing happened. Linda started muttering to herself, it was somewhat of a nervous tick of hers. Did she even care about his well being? She was heartless in his eyes, colder than the winds that brought winter. Kinan grabbed at the ground in pain, he let out a small cry. His eyes started to roll back in his head and he dropped limp to the ground.

Linda heard a thud, her son was on the ground, his body contorted in all kinds of ways. She fell to her knees and began to weep, knowing she could do nothing. Linda felt weak and helpless, at that moment Kiche's truck pulled in and he glided out of his car and ran over to Linda.

"Kiche, what do I do?!" her voice broke.

"Don't touch him. There is nothing you can do. Just let it pass." Kiche said, staring into Linda's distraught face. Kiche turned towards the boy on the ground, It's progressing faster than I thought, I need to get him back to the reserve. He thought to himself. "Linda, we need to leave as soon as possible. Kinan will be safer on the reservation." He made his voice sound concerned. Kiche didn't know how he was going to move the kid with him in that state. The curse wouldn't hurt him, but he didn't know about its effect on other humans. He looked over at Linda.

"DON'T touch him, understand?" he stared at her, waiting until she answered.

"Yes." she whispered. Kiche sighed and turned toward the boy again. Kinan wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. Kiche stood up and walked over to him, and swiftly picked him up. He could feel Kinan's power coursing through his veins. He felt a sadistic smile creep onto his face, but he quickly hid his emotions, not wanting Linda to see him in that state. He had to keep up the facade.

"Time to go. I'll take Kinan to the truck." Kiche quickly swept Kinan toward the truck, and gently set him in the passenger side of the vehicle. He shut the door and turned around, Linda was still on the ground.

"Linda, we need to go. Grab your belongings, and let's leave." She didn't move. Kiche sighed and made his way over to her. "Linda, Kinan will only be safe once he's on the reservation." He whispered with a hand on her shoulder. She met his eyes and nodded.

"We have to leave." He brought her to her feet and helped collect the remaining items left inside. Linda kissed Kinan's head as Kiche brought out the last of it. She jumped in her car and followed Kiche out of the neighborhood. Racing to get Kinan somewhere safe.

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