AU: Levi x Maid!Reader - Little Love Notes

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You enjoyed taking care of other people your whole life. From watching your younger siblings when your parents were away to making sure your dementia ridden grandfather was out of harms way when you visited him before he passed. There was always a sense of gratitude and fulfilment after the job was done, making you and the people you helped happy and smiling brightly.

And now as you're older you find it's easiest to work in the setting of a home rather than in an office or behind a desk. Perhaps that's why you decided to become a maid, an essential caretaker for someone who is too busy to take care of their own house. Finding the job, though, that was the hardest part. Living in the big city, you thought it would be easy to snatch an opportunity to take care of someone's house but in every lamppost, job centre, and recreation building you found no leads.

That was until you met Petra. A kind, sweet-hearted strawberry blonde managed to mangle you a job cleaning the house of Levi Ackerman, the newly appointed supervisor of the Survey Tribune. She claimed that he fired the last three maids he had because they weren't cleaning the house like how he wanted it, intimidating you a bit by the fact the man had standards to cleaning abilities.

"The man can be... bleak but he's not horrible, (Y/N). I promise you that much," Petra calmed you, setting her hand on your shoulder as you stood outside Mr. Ackerman's large house. It sure was something you didn't expect from a man who seemed to want nothing to do with other people. "Now, I gotta go. I'll be around at five. Goodbye!"

"Bye, Petra," you monotonously cooed as you waved to the beautiful girl who bounded down the steps to her waiting car. Taking a deep breath, you turned around to look at the large ornate door before you. You took the golden knocker in hand and pounded it lightly against the wood, sliding your hand off it when you heard the sound echoing through the front corridor behind the door.

"Come in," a static filled voice spoke to you as you looked around you to find where it came from. A small control box sat on the railing to the left of you and a blinking red light flashed at you as you heard the front doors unlocking to let you inside. "Tch, I haven't all day."

"Hum, yes sir." Pushing the door open you stepped into the house as a warm breeze fanned your face and a sweet sent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted up your nose. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at the memories that came to you when you took in a deep breath of the spices. Removing your scarf, jacket, and boots beside the front door you walked down the hallway to the grand staircase that laid out before you.

"Hello, you must be the maid." A tall man walked from a doorway to your left as you looked to him, smiling and nodding curtly. He just gave you a sullen frown as you gazed him over. Freckles dotted his cheeks as if they were constellations, a mop of black hair that was slicked out of his face, and brown eyes that smiled at you even though he seemed to be glum to see you before him. "I'm Marco, Mr. Ackerman's head of staff. Please, follow me to his office.

"He's right inside. I do hope for the best for you ma'am. He seems to fire the maids faster than anyone else," the brown eyed man states, patting your shoulder before heading down the hallway. To say you were scared was an inappropriate word to use at the moment, probably fearful was the right expression. But you must stand your ground and obtain this job, do what you were meant to do.

"Excuse me," you said as you knock at the door and set your hand on the door handle. You don't hear an answer so you enter slowly to make sure Levi was inside and fit for company, seeing him sitting at his desk before the daily newspaper. "Mr. Ackerman, sir. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), your hire for the maid position."

"Enter, and close the door behind you," the man says, never taking a glance up to you as you rest the door back in place and head to the front of his desk. "Did you expect to clean in that? You'll look like shit at the end of the day. There's clothes for you to wear. Marco will give them to you before you leave."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

"Stop that." His almond shaped eyes stare at you as you stiffen under his gaze, the steel-like colour of them mixing with your own (e/c) eyes. "Levi is what you'll call me. Now, go down the hall and start cleaning there. I expect the whole floor finished by your leave." You nod respectfully and turn around to exit his office, feeling his eyes training on your every move away from him.


"(Y/N)?" You heard your name behind the closed door as you sat back on your haunches and looked at the it, waiting for it to be opened. Removing your gloves, you stand up and make your way across the room to the person in the hallway who called for you. "Mr. Ackerman has requested his office be cleaned immediately."

"Yes, of course. Thank you Marco." Taking your supplies, you head across the hallway to the ravenettes residents for his place away from work and close the door behind you. Leaning your back against it, you find a neon coloured note hanging on the doorframe next to you. "What the...?"

Lovely eyes

You pull it down from its spot and skim it over, finding that you know better not to snope in your bosses business. Shying away from the note, you set it on his desk to make sure he receives it later, starting on cleaning his office the best you could without moving around his belongings. You go to the bookcase and run a feather duster over the shelves until you notice another note laying against the side of the case.

A beautiful smile

"No, don't read them," you speak to yourself as you continue cleaning the office space. Moving to the table filled with unfinished newspaper articles you find yet another neon sticky note sitting next to an empty coffee mug.

Long legs

"Tch, are you just getting started?" Levi stood in the doorway as you turned to look at him from the corner of your eye. A blush creeped onto your face as you stuffed the note into the mug on the table in front of you. "Leave the papers on the table and desk. Throw away the notes when you find them."

"Yes, Levi," you speak as he nods at you before scanning your body, making you flush even more. He leaves and you continue your search for his little notes that he left around the room.

// One Month //

"An adoring shyness... a passion for cleaning... a knack for gossip... a heartbreaking personality," Levi speaks to you as you sit on the edge of his desk, smiling down at him in his seat. You can't help but to chuckle at a few he seemed to find enduring about you. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, I just love finding your little love notes."

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