Chapter 4 (Micah's POV)

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You know what the hardest thing is? When you constantly use gay as an insult, but you are actually really attracted to your friend, that is a guy. This is my problem. I walk into school and immediately I feel as though that everyone can tell I like Luke. I go to my spot for social studies. I sit across from Miriam and Grace.

"Hey Micah what would you do if I wrote fan fiction about you?" She asks.

"What's it about."


"What?" I ask, did she know I liked Luke?

"It's about you and Luke, I read it." Miriam says. I look at them both, how did they know?

(AN: this is actually what happened, but not the thoughts.)

"Are you mad?" Grace asks. I just kinda look at her. How was I supposed to answer that. Luck was on my side, for I didn't have to answer, because the teacher started talking.

"I want to read this fan fiction." I say after the teacher drags on about the earth.

"I guess if you can find it, then I can't prevent you from reading it." Grace shrugs.

"Whats it on?"

"Wattpad." Miriam answers grinning.

"What's your username then?"

"Not telling." Grace says then class ends so I can't ask for my information.

School goes by slowly and finally we make it to lunch. Gosh I was so bored. My only entertainment was watching Luke when he did something cute. Yesterday was super fun with him. We fooled around during concert practice doing dumb dance moves.

Luke's head tilts back as he laughs at some joke. I crack a grin as I realize I wasn't paying attention. Whatever it was I'll just pretend to be listening.

How was I going to confess to Luke? Should I even tell him? I needed a plan, and a plan fast. I couldn't risk him dating Audrey again. It was time for some action.

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