Chapter 19: She Said...

Start from the beginning

He let out that sound like a mouse being gutted alive, with a bit of three-year-old-girl mixed in. He fell to one knee, I thought it was to get closer to me, but then he started to fumbled in his jacket pockets. I noticed a small square bulge in his breast pocket of his expensive jacket. I gave him a look, and I reached in his pocket.

He let his eyes fall to the ground as I looked at the red velvet box. I gasped, and looked at him. I took his hand, and dropped the box in his palm.

“Proceed,” I said, leaning back on the rock, adn looking at him. He looedk up, and took a shakey breath. 

“Penelope-Penny,” he started again. “Will you please, please...consider...m-marrying me?” he whispered.

“Speak up,” I said, putting my hand behind my ear like I didn’t hear him.

He cleared his throut. “Penny,” he started again. “Will you marry me?”

Before the words where all the way out of his mouth, I jumped up, and I hugged him in my bone crushing hug that was reserved to him and Harry.

But, he pushed me back to look at my face. “Is that a yes?” he asked hopefully. 

I rolled my eyes. “Duh!” I sighed, and I looked at him out of the cornner of his eyes. He looked like a school boy who just got a good grade.

I flung my arms around him, and kissed him. I felt Draco wrap his arms around me, lifted me in the air and spin me around. I leaned my head back, and I laughed. Draco kissed my neck, and I shut my eyes to remember how it felt when he held me.

He set me down, and rested his forhead on mine. I was breathing harder than usual, Draco was too. That silly school-boy smirk was still on his face. I felt his hand in my hair travle doen my neck, and shouders. It snaked (No pun intended) down my arm, and gripped my left hand. I felt something cool slip on my finger, and rest just unger my knuckle. 

I peeked down, it was gold, and had an engraving around the band. It was a pattern of lions and snakes. They entertwined, and smiles on the faces, if that’s possible. They curled around tiny rubies, and emeralds. A white diamond was on one side, it came like a flower from the red and green gems. I gasped.

Draco, who was kissing my nack, pulled back. “What? What is it? S-Second thoughts?” he asked nervously. When was he going to calm down?


“Draco,” I said slowly. “How much did this cost?” I held up my (AMAZING!) ring so he could see it.

“Your worth it, Penny,” he smiled, taking my hand, and his lips gently brushed my knuckle. “Besides, the money was from my father’s Gringots Vault!” He laughed lightly.

I thought this over, and smiled at the ground. “I’m rubbing off on you!” I punched his shoulder lightly. He laughed, and kissed me again.

When I needed to breath, I leaned back, and looked at him, I turned my heaqd sideways, and smiled at him. 

“How did I get so lucky?” I asked.


“Penny, you breath. That’s how I got so lucky,” Draco whispered.


Draco Malfoy’s POV

She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes. She said yes.

She said ME.

How a Malfoy Turned Good...Well Better {A Draco Malfoy Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now