Chapter 12 || In Which Futures Are Revealed

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After Percy left, the day flew by. The kids had a quidditch match, future against present in which the present kids won. The future kids were shocked by how slow the brooms were. "How can you even catch the snitch with such slow brooms?" exclaimed James.

"Our brooms aren't slow!" declared Ginny.

"Especially not Harry's." added Hermione.

On the way back to the house, the future kids were in a bad mood after having been beat. "Why are you guys so sulky?" Charlie teased.

"We're known as the best quidditch players in all of Hogwarts!" Fred II complained.

"But, Fred, it's not really that much of a shock that they won, seeing as Aunt Ginny played at the Quidditch cup." Rose countered.

"Wait, what?" Ginny gasped.

"After Hogwarts, you play for the Holyhead Harpies and your team goes on to play at the Quidditch World Cup," Dominique explained.

Ginny was shell shocked. "Me?" she stuttered.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Hermione eagerly.

Fred and George fell quiet, trailing behind the rest. "My family moves back to Egypt, where Dad's a curse-breaker, but we all go to Hogwarts. We were visiting England for Christmas." Victoire said.

"Charlie goes back to Romania as well." added Addy.

"Right now, Dad's the minister of magic and Mum also works at the ministry." said Molly with pride in her voice.

"Percy finally did it," Charlie joked.

"Uncle George still runs the joke shop and Aunt Angelina works at Quidditch Quality Supplies now, but she used to play with Mum," said James offhandedly.

"Aunt Hermione is head of the magical law enforcement department and Uncle Ron is partners with Dad now." Roxanne added in.

"And Uncle Harry heads the Auror department." piped in Rose.

"What about Neville and Hannah and Luna?" asked Hermione.

"Dad teaches Herbology at Hogwarts now and Mum runs the Leaky Cauldron," explained Alice.

"And Mum and Dad are both magizoologists." Lysander added.

"That's awesome," said Harry.

"Yeah, we have a lot to live up to," Lily said softly. Everyone fell quiet for the rest of the way home.

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