Chapter 1 || In Which A Peaceful Night Goes Horribly Wrong

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The Potter house was never peaceful. Especially when all the cousins came, like tonight. All of their parents were going out to get away from the kids, leaving Teddy in charge. It was, however, fairly quiet, something that unnerved Teddy. He, his girlfriend, Victoire, and Adelaide were playing Exploding Snap with the younger four cousins and the Scamander twins. Rose was reading next to Roxanne and Alice, and Dominique and Molly II were talking on the couch, as were Albus and Scorpius in front of the fireplace. Teddy's heart started racing as he looked around for James and Fred. Not having them in sight was always a bad idea.

"Vic, have you seen James and Fred?" Teddy asked nervously.

"Umm... oh no. Where are they? JAMES? FRED?"

"Have they gone missing again?" asked Roxanne scornfully.

"I don't know. Come on guys, let's look around the house."

Everyone eagerly jumped up and ran around the house calling, "JAMES? FRED?"

James and Fred, meanwhile, were having the time of their lives. When they knew no one was looking, they had snuck into Harry's office, where they had found a thin gold chain with an hourglass on it. Before they could have done anything else, however, they had heard Vicky calling them.

"Quick, hide!" Fred had whispered.

They had both flown out of the room and into the broom closet. This is where Lily found them, laughing silently.

"Teddy! They're in the broom closet!" shouted Lily.

They could hear footsteps thundering up the stairs. Teddy soon appeared, his hair Weasley red showing his anger.

"Where were you?!" He shouted.

He saw the Time Turner. "James, give that back," Teddy said threateningly.

Soon, everyone else was there. Rose saw immediately what her cousin was holding and gasped. "James, put that down! It's dangerous!"

"No! Catch, Louis!" And with that, he threw the locket to Louis, who everyone knew was a horrible catcher. It slipped through Louis' fingers, falling on the floor and breaking. With a puff of black smoke, everyone disappeared.

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