Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)

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The tiny intruder continued to stare, almost frozen in fright and curiosity. The mans lips moved and he said, "Kirishima, stop." The mans voice hardly even raised but the vehicle stopped suddenly. In the absence of movement the kitten stilled even farther. Fear flowed from his head like a cold stream and settled in the tip of his tail like a stone. What was this human going to do to him?

The mans large hand began to reach in Akihito's direction. The kitten jumped back and hissed loudly. Haunches raised and fur sticking in every which way and still the hand did not even pause. The man reached past Akihito to the door handle and opened it.

A deafening growl rang out as one of the dogs jumped toward the now open door. The damn mongrels had followed Akihito, those things can be pretty persistent when they wanted to.

Just as the dog was in mid jump Akihito spun and attacked. Normally the kitten would rather run from all trouble and escape but when between a rock (the golden eyed man) and a hard place (three hell hounds) he would take the damn dogs any day. His claws were quickly unsheathed and dug into the dogs back. With a flick of his tail he used his forward momentum to throw himself over the dog and right into the face of another.

Akihito had just enough time to swing his paws and cut the mutts right eye. Blood splattered on The kittens face. As he landed on his paws the two dogs whined loudly and turned tail. The three of them left like the cowards they were.

The kitten huffed and hissed in victory and he did not notice the presence of someone right behind him until he was too late. A large hand grabbed his scruff and lifted him off the ground. Akihito's paws dangled uselessly as his body was turned so he could see the golden eyed man.

He was not alone this time another man this one tall and thin with dark hair and glasses stood next to the one who held Akihito hostage. Glasses turned away from the small kitten in what seemed disgust and bowed slightly to the golden eyed man, "Asami-sama, were there any injuries?"

The man with the gold eyes named Asami quickly shook his head but did not take his eyes off of Akihito. The kittens filth seemed to seep onto the mans hand and Akihito feared angering the human because of it. He began to struggle in the black haired mans grasp but did not manage to get anywhere. He flung his front claws out, trying to scratch him and get released from captivity but to no avail.

The moment his struggling began Asami shifted the kitten into the crook of his arm. The sudden movement frightened the small one and he ceased all movement for a few fur raising seconds. What was this strange human planning and why was he holding me?

The other human, I guess his name is Kirishima, nodded softly and asked in an emotionless voice, "Will we be leaving, Asami-sama?"

Asami looked up at the other man with a blank face that might as well have been made out of stone for all the emotion it held, "Yes, take me back home."

No one looked toward Akihito when these words were exchanged. The older man stepped into the vehicle through the still open door. When the door closed behind him Akihito began to have a strange sense of the walls closing in on him. The back seat, expansive though it was, was much too enclosed for the kittens liking. The prisoning arms that held him kept him in place against the mans chest. Akihito could just see the windows close in a finality. The little, dirty kitten would not be leaving any time soon.

After he came to this conclusion he decided to try and sleep. He had not realized just how much of a strain he had put his body under in order to escape those mutts until he closed his eyes. He nearly fell into the void the moment his eyes shut and he knew no more.

Akihito shuffled in his sleep. For some reason the ground was unnaturally soft today and he wanted to remain asleep. Light shone down on his pelt and made the once mud crust on his pelt. A small smile graced the kittens face as he flipped over. The movement dumped him onto the floor at the base of a huge bed.

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora