It's ... 10:18 in the morning?

Wow. I better start teaching my body to respond to alarms.

Below the time, a certain notification has been displayed. There goes one more sigh slipping from my lips.


Capt. Syris Fenrir
Received 07:02

Natalia. I've left you breakfast in your room. Figured you'll wake up late after reading your book the entire night again. By the time you wake up, they've all finished eating and cleaning. So you go have your meal now. :)


... You're too kind, it's pathetic.

Seriously, my superior is this kind of man? I'm starting to question Yggdrasil.

You're a commander, not our mother of sorts.

Problem is, Syris comes off as someone who's too soft, compassionate, and caring for others. He's tough on the battlefield but ... outside that? Syris is like another new identity.

It's pretty annoying, especially since I have to obey the likes of him.

But apart from that, I guess he's an admirable individual. He's responsible, has common sense, knows how to cook, and is a formidable fighter. He's pretty much admirable in that way—

... Natalia, stop right there.

Oh well, enough of that. Might as well get that breakfast ...

... Which I somewhat missed while checking out my room the moment I woke up, which is apparently on my study desk.

There I was, getting up on my feet and walking to the table, only to take my seat once more in front of the food.

So ... pancakes and coffee, huh? It's presented in a pretty neat manner, the plating being enticing to whoever will be served the food. It seems he kept them in a container, thus maintaining the right temperature as to which my breakfast should've been served.

He really made an effort over such a trivial matter as this. I could just reheat some leftover pasta from last night's dinner, yet he still made his way to make all of this.

Though, he always does prepare our meals, anyway. Save for the few occasions when he's too busy; Lilith takes over if so.

Well, I best be grabbing a bite now.

And there I went, helping myself to the food. I mumbled a quick " thank you, " before taking my first bite of the maple syrup-coated piece of flour-based food item.

I have to say, he never fails to make me smile with his good cooking. He makes a pretty decent chef. So despite the fact that I despise the dude ... I couldn't help but to admire him for that.

Though let's keep those thoughts in my head and finish my food quick. I've matters to attend to.

I ate my breakfast at a practical pace, making sure I get to savor the meal, then hurried off to do my daily routine. Upon brushing my hair, pretty much the last agenda in my list, I finally walked out of my room, into the halls of the so-called Home of my group.

The Elite Combat Squa—


" Catch me first, sucker~! "

" Zedrin, careful. You almost set these bombs off. "

" Oh boy. Would've been nice to see some things booming. "

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