Haiku: Remembering You...

93 6 10
  • Dedicated to Fred and George Weasley

Yep I finally named one of my poems....

A/N: Okay, in English we are studying poems, and so today (12/03/2014) we were writing poems and haikus. Well I had never written a haiku before and so I was struggling fro ideas – but then I had this genius moment and the whole thing was in my head as quick as light travels (3*10^8 meters/second) and well.... I WAS SO PROUD OF IT!!! And I am dedicating this to Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter because I was sort of thinking of George when writing this – I was thinking about how he must have felt after losing Fred. Okay so long A/N so I am going to ‘shut up’ (ß I put it in inverted commas because technically I am not talking) and you can read the poem....


I sit by your grave
A tear rolling down my face.
Remembering you...

So that was my haiku and I will post two of my other poems over the weekend because I have exams at the moment, but I just needed to post this....



Thank you for reading...

Now I am definitely going to ‘shut up’ (I know you are all breathing a sigh of relief)

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