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A/N: So I wrote another one so I thought ‘why not publish it?” So here it is!


My back against a tree,
Leaves shading over me.
A book in my lap,
My mind wandering in oblivion.

Staring at a word,
Yet not reading anything.
A voice in my head,
Yet not listening to anything.

My vision is a blur
My destination ahead of me.
But the closer I get to it...
The further it seems to be.

Suddenly trapped in blackness,
With no sound or air...
I suffocate in the tight space
Trying to get people to hear...
But my words are sucked into nothingness.



A/N: Okay so if you didn’t get what I was trying to put across, I’ll just tell you. It is an environment/atmosphere (whatever you want to call it) changing extremely quickly. This happens to me often; one minute I am sitting and laughing with my family, and next we are in a serious, deep debate. The debates are of nothing important, most of the time.

Okay seriously people I need names for these poems - and I am rubbish at names so please help me...

My Poems - WeasleyHeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora