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monday; family dinner with jack

i tossed a dish towel at ben who sat on the counter pulling plates from the cabinets. "that's not funny, benny." i gave him a glare. "you're just mad because it's the truth." ben taunts. i stick out my tongue at his outrageous words. "sounds like monopoly is taken pretty seriously in the jameson household." jack jokes from the doorway. "you don't even know the half of it. competition is everything to us. so yeah, when i go bankrupt i get particularly angry." i hand him a stack of plates to put on the table.

"and then flip the whole table." ben chimes in, repeating his allegation from earlier. "one time. i flip a plastic table one time and it sticks in everyone's mind." i roll my eyes, being over ben revealing my secrets to jack. "you did it at the family reunion. you were playing with nana and her friends. you practically scarred the poor old ladies." my dad joins the conversation. i give him a welcome home hug. "can we stop talking about it now?" i sigh loudly.

my mom comes to my rescue. "she's right. cut it out, boys." she squints her eyes at ben and dad. they tuck in their lips and take a seat. jack finds his next to mine. "family tradition, go around the table and say what you're thankful for." my dad points in the direction of jack.

he stands, raising his glass of water in he air. "im thankful to have blake in my life. we've been together since freshman year of high school and now we're freshman in college. time flies when you spend it with your best friend." jack takes a sip, everyone else follows. ben's turn is next.

"im thankful for blake getting accepted into early admission and leaves tomorrow. gets her out of my hair sooner." i choke on my drink along with the rest of us. jack releases my hand and turns to cut looks at me. "jack," i begun. he got up from his chair and exited the house in a angry manner. i try to follow but not before stopping in front of ben. "thanks a lot ben. he was under the impression we'd spend all week together. i didn't tell him about early admission yet." i exhale and shoulder bump him.

i find jack outside trying to find the keys to his car. "jack wait!" i approach him carefully. "i was going to tell you. i swear i was. i just..." i trailed off. "you just what, blake? just forgot?" i could hear the hurt in his voice. he locates his keys and precedes to get in the car. i tap on his hood, begging him not to go. "move." he forcefully states. "i love you. i would never hurt you. i didn't know how to tell you. im so sorry!" a tear fell down my face on to the hood of his car.

he looks down at his lap. his angry eyes met mine. a scowl soon appeared on his face. he pulled out my driveway and sped off. i sat on the cold concrete and just cried. how can he so lucky to have him and mess it up? the worst part, i can't blame ben. i should've been the one to tell jack. this is all my fault.

i slither my way back inside to find my parents scolding ben for telling jack. i ignore them all and go upstairs to wash off any guilt, misery, and shame off with a nice shower. first chance tomorrow, i'll talk to jack. i will do anything to fix this.

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