Alone Together

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Author's note: Okay, so I don't really know what will happen in 5x01, but this will just be my interpretation/ prediction of what I think it could be like. Basically Bellamy, Raven, and the crew that was up in space were somehow taken prisoner on the ship that Clarke saw coming down at the end of the finale.

Bellamy breathed through his gag and rattled his handcuffs for the twenty-seventh time within the past hour. In the cell next to him, Murphy tried wearing down the cuffs on the hard wall, but it was useless. Raven was talking to herself. But at this point, any scientific formula that she ran over couldn't help them.

Bellamy leaned his head back against the wall and shut his eyes. They were going back to the ground today, after around six years of being on the Ark. He had no clue why these people had taken them. He didn't even care enough to wonder anymore. Back to the ground. Back to the ground, where he last saw Clarke.

He'd had a lot of time to think within the past few years. For the first five and a half, they survived peacefully on the Ark. The occasional good moment came around, but the majority of Bellamy's activities consisted in staring at the wall. But now that he was a prisoner on this ship and all he could do was stare at the wall, he wished silently that he would have done something different while on the Ark.

Having time to think, time to breathe, should have been nice, refreshing. But not for Bellamy. All that he ever thought about was that Clarke deserved to be up there with him. All he ever thought about was the fact that O might not even be alive. That he may never see her again. That he would never see Clarke again. Even after all this time he remembered. Everything.

Besides, I could use a break, from keeping you alive.
Thank you, for keeping me alive.
He didn't.

We can't loose her.
He did.

If anything happens to me-
Nothing is happening to you.
It did.

I think we deserve a drink.
Have one for me.
He did. Many, many times.

The first tear dropped onto his cheek and because his hands were tied, he couldn't wipe it off this time. He let it roll down his neck, staring at the opposite wall with an empty gaze.

Empty. Just like every cell in his body was.

Every single day on this prisoner ship he sat in his own cell, too far to talk to anyone without being too loud, in deafening silence.

"Deafening silence. An oxymoron," Bellamy thought to himself. And that was when the steady stream of tears started.

The ship rattling was what woke Bellamy up. They must be almost to the ground. Unless they landed close to the bunker, there was nothing there for him anymore. He sniffled and told himself that he had to be strong- because his sister was, for his friends all on this prisoner ship, and because Clarke had sacrificed herself so that he could be anything other than dead.

There was a loud thud and he knew that they had finally landed. He looked over at his friends in the other cells, worried looks on their faces. He hardened his, shooting a glare at the first man who came into the jail room.

"Up! Now!" the tall man in a guard uniform, much like the ones at the Ark, yelled. Bellamy got to his feet as more men filed in. They grabbed each of them separately and led them to the room with the door to the outside. They cuffed them all to the wall and their leader (Bellamy guessed), went outside. It was so bright that Bellamy just shut his eyes.

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