Chapter 1

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The first 1-3 chapters might be boring but from their on secrets are going going reveled and everything will get more exited. Please give it a chance.
Damon's P.O.V
It's been six fucking months since i requested to make an alliance with The Devil. That son of a bitch haven't responded. I have tried to make peace between our mafias. We have been at war for way to many years. If he doesn't want to make a alliance then I will make sure to bring him down. I will destroy all the fucking Italian mafia. My mafia will be the biggest and the most powerful I just need to get rid of the them. I've waited six months for an answer I really did want to make an alliance but I guess my wish will come true. I will kill every single one Italian. Then I'll go to the fucking devil and enjoy torturing him and making him watch as I destroy him. Watch your back Devil because I'm coming for you.
  The Devils P.O.V
It's been six months and I still haven't answered his request to meet. I know this is going to mean war. I seriously don't give a fuck. He won't be able to kill us all. We are everywhere and I mean everywhere. From LA to Tx to Washington to Mexico even in Russia. He might be thinking that he can bring me and my mafia down he is soo wrong. I bet you $10,000 that he is going to try and kill the people I love. Well good luck with that because he will not be able to find them. That's another reason why I keep my identity a secret. And yes I do have weak spots. You know what people say a good leader has no weaknesses well I do but I hide them really well. I've been in this business since I was 12. Yeas I know what are you thinking so young. Well the answer is yes. Since the day I was born I was being trained. Now that I'm 19 I'm the best assassin there is in Italia. I've been in this 7 years and he think he can bring me down well he needs to think about that again. He better be ready because The Devil is going to bring him and his lame mafia down.
If anyone has a better title for this story please tell me. I wish you enjoyed this fist chapter. Bye talk to you next time.

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