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Rye and I were finally spending some time together watching Netflix doing the usual cuddling obviously. We decided to watch Love Actually since we were both in a "romantic" mood. Half way into the film my phone buzzed and I looked at it feeling my heart drop as there were comments under a picture I tweeted of Rye and I this afternoon before I left for work.

I placed my phone back down and I looked up at Rye smiling snuggling into him when my phone buzzed again and I sighed putting it on silent but not before catching a few hate comments. I read through a few of them after my boyfriend left to get food. My heart broke at every comment. He came back and I had to excuse myself running up to the toilet tears streaming down my face. I felt weak and completely vulnerable and I hate it.

Rye's POV;

Y/N had excused herself looking like she was about to cry. I picked up her phone entering her password and that's when I saw all the comments that made my princess cry.

"@RoadTripsGirl_: How the hell is someone as perfect as him with a fat ugly cow like you?"

"@Ryesbabe: Ewww wtf is this?? I'm about ready to throw up! Rye needs to break up with you."

"@RoadTripsBae: Kill yourself! Nobody likes you! Not even the boys like you. I bet Rye is pretending to like you so he doesn't "upset" you."

I sighed placing my phone down and stood up walking upstairs, I heard silent crying and I went to open the door but it was locked. "Love can you open the door?" I spoke softly but got no reply. "None of what they said is true you know that baby"

It was silent for a few minutes before I heard the lock and the door opened. Y/N stood in front of me with red puffy eyes and a sad smile causing me to pull her into a tight hug as she cried into my shoulder.

I spent the rest of the night comforting her until she finally fell asleep. I grabbed my phone opening twitter and started typing.

"@RoadTripTV: Having to spend the whole night comforting my girlfriend who spent the time crying. Please stop sending hate to Y/N she doesn't deserve any of this. She's beautiful-Rye 🐝"

"@RoadTripTv: I love her more than anything and it pains me to see her crying, nobody should have to witness anybody crying but please stop the hate towards her"

@RoadTripTV: She doesn't deserve any of this. I love you all ❤️

I put the phone on charge before wrapping my other arm around Y/N who was sleeping peacefully on my chest and I couldn't resist taking a picture. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps, to me she looks beautiful all the time.

This was absolutely crap I apologise xo-Rosie

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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