Chp 2: The Hidden Power

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Dedicated to YaminiMalhotra
Nandini and Navya went to back garden. Fab 5 came there. "Hello people," Manik, the lead singer of fab5 greeted them and his eyes stopped on Nandini. He recalled seeing her in the jeep. "How great, we got two targets instead of one, we called only one of them, but she got the other girl in trouble because of herself, how selfish," Cabir said and chuckled turning towards the others and winked at Alia. "So what should we do?", Alia asked. "Eggs," he whispered and went while Dhruv wasn't so much interested in their tricks. Cabir came back and smirked.

Nandini creased her eyebrows at them and Navya looked at Nandini. Mukti and the rest of the fab5 picked an egg except Dhruv. They were about to throw them on Navya and Nandini. "Stop right there," Nandini shouted and they felt as if their hands were stuck in air and they were unable to move their hands. Navya looked on as to how they stopped on her voice. Nandini moved towards them. "You people really like to play pranks on people right? Let me also play a prank, Navya come in front beside me," she said to fab5 then to Navya.

She came with slow steps and Nandini picked an egg followed by Navya. "Three, two, one, go!", Nandini shouted and both of them threw the eggs on them and it went on Cabir and Dhruv. "Sorry Mister topi wala," Nandini said to Dhruv. "But you really deserved this," she said to Cabir. Suddenly all of them could move their hand that was stuck in air. "Two down, three more to go," Nandini said and both picked an egg, this time it went on Manik and Mukti. They shot daggers at them. Then it was only Alia who was left.

Navya picked an egg and smiled at Nandini and threw the egg at Alia. It went directly on her dress. "You behenji, you ruined my dress, guys what are you looking at? Do it," she said. "Enough guys!", Nandini shouted. "Don't you dare bully anyone from today, let's get going Navya," she said and went taking Navya from there. Fab5 fumed. "Thank you Nandini, you're the best friend one can have," Navya said on the way to their class. "You shouldn't be afraid of them, even monkeys are better than them," Nandini said and they bursted into laughter and shared a hug.

 "You shouldn't be afraid of them, even monkeys are better than them," Nandini said and they bursted into laughter and shared a hug

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They went to their class and sat beside each other, after sometime fab5 too came there and Alia and Manik sat beside their row. Mukti and Cabir sat behind them and Dhruv sat on their front. "These fab5 came again," Navya said. "They are not fab5 but the crazy fives, they are only named as fab5 to gain popularity but actually they aren't as fabulous as it seems, they are losers because they sadden people and today they got what they deserved," Nandini said rolling her eyes. "Not so loud, they are here," Navya warned. "Arey so what? They should hear what people think about them," she said.

Fab5 eyed her angrily. Half of the class was over, Nandini went to washroom. Fab5 followed them. She was washing her face and felt a hand on her shoulder and turned. "What now? Want some more?", she asked. "Tch tch tch, you don't know what's awaiting you my dear," Manik said coming in front. "Yes so Nandini Moorthy, what would you like? Will you join us for lunch right now?", Cabir asked. "Yes, we were wrong, come let's go," Mukti said holding her wrist and pulled her along with them.

Ayyappa please save me from these monsters. Nandini prayed in her heart. As they walked to Cafeteria, they stopped at a table and broke two eggs and mixed soya sauce and chilli garlic and mustard with ketchup and held it in a bowl in front of her mouth. "What is this?", Nandini asked with a quiver in her voice. "Your food," Manik angrily replied and shoved it towards her mouth. "You bloody bastard, you're acting as if you're really good, what I and Navya did today is nothing in front of what you do all the time," Nandini shot back.

"This drink is really good, have it my dear, its a treat for you to enter our group," Manik said holding the back of her head forcing her to drink it. "Oh its really good right? Then drink it in one gulp," Nandini shouted and took her bag rushing out of the cafeteria meanwhile to everyone's shock, Manik drunk the yucky drink in one gulp and threw the bowl. "Manik what you did? It was too yucky," Cabir said. "It happened by itself, don't know how," he said and they all got confused on all the things that happen recently.

Manav and Meher were walking back to their home when Montu came and stood before them, his face still like a joker because of Baal Veer's magic. Manav and Meher looked at each other then at him and laughed. "Oye joker, better get out of our way," Meher said. "Oh you want to go? Sure," Montu said moving out of their way and they went. "Boss, you didn't do anything today, did you start following their orders like a doggy?", Rohit said and got a slap on back of his head. "Dumbo, I have thought of a plan," Montu replied.

He told them their plan (muted) and smiled. In a heavenly place that looked so magical, stood seven beautiful ladies, they were actually fairies. "Rani pari has called us to Rani Mehel, she also said to bring the book of Pari loks history," said Baal Pari and every fairy went to Rani Mehel which came after climbing thousands of stairs. "Khush raho Rani Pari, khush raho," greeted the fairies and she greeted back. A light shone and formed spiral lines and Baal Veer appeared. "Do you all remember Nandini who was sent to the world of humans after removing her memories?", Rani Pari asked. Everyone nodded in positive. "It is time to tell her about her reality, that time she was too little to know the truth, but now she's 18 and I want Natkhat Pari and Aarpar Pari to bring Nandini here," she ordered. "Whatever you say," said Natkhat Pari and they vanished.

(A/N: what do you think is Nandini's reality?)

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