Chapter One

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Tiffany POV
I am Stephanie Hwang, but I'm called Tiffany at school, I'm a 17-year-old girl and it is my last year at school. My life was pretty cool back then, I had a loving mum, caring dad, and great grades, perhaps you could even say, my life was perfect.

But things started to change, not slowly, it all changed in one quick snap, so quick that I couldn't keep up with it. It all started when I was 10. Ever since my mum left, my soul felt lonely and gloomy, as if my perspective of this world was turned upside down, no longer bright and jolly.

I felt like the ugly duckling, didn't fit in or belong anywhere, like a piece of fluff just floating around. I didn't know what I wanted anymore, but there is one thing I know I need, and that is; help. If someone, a special someone, could just come in my life and make it all perfect again, then I will find that special someone, even if I need to go through rough waves and tough waters.

<7 years ago>

I was a 10-year-old, watching movies on my red 5 seater leather couch in America. Back then life was a paradise. "Fany- ah, I am going to supermarket."  My mum said with her usual caring tone.

"Okay, mum be back soon!" I shouted happily, not taking my eyes off the TV. I continued watching Pokémon and eating my strawberry ice-cream happily. Ring ding ring ding. I looked to where the sound was coming from, it was the home phone. I looked back at the TV, then back at the phone, unsure of what to do. My TV is way more important, plus, Mum said not to pick up the phone, so, TV I'm coming back! I concluded my thoughts. But the phone didn't stop, distracting me from watching peacefully. I eventually picked up the phone, scared of what was going to happen.

"Is this the Hwang family, we have urgent news." An unfamiliar man said from across the phone.

"Yes." I replied quietly.

"May I speak to your father?"

"My dad is not here, sorry, you can speak to me." I said trying to sound mature in hopes of him thinking I was around 12.

"Well, unfortunately, your mum has been murdered, she was stabbed by a guy who followed her, we will try to find out the cause of the murder and the man who followed her."

I froze, not hearing what the man had said after. I blanched in shock, I felt dizzy. It wasn't until awhile until I replied back.

"Thanks for telling me, I will try to do something." I put down the phone, my hands trembling, this couldn't be. Wet tears were slowly trickling down my fair, pale cheeks. Each tear of sadness dropping down on the ground with a plop.

Life was too cruel, I couldn't hold in my tears, my legs felt weak, I dropped to the ground and wept. "WHY?" I shouted, what had I done so wrong? "Why, why, why, why, why?" I wept, voice faltering, wishing some angel would tell me the answer.

I picked up the phone again, this time to call my dad. I pressed the numbers for my dad's prhone which I remembered clearly. I waited impatiently as the phone rang.

"Dad..." I whispered.

"Yes sweetie?" His cheerful voice causing me to break down again.

"M-m-mum, she... was s-sta- " I whimpered, I couldn't get the word out, it was too scary. There was no response from dad as he was waiting patiently for my words.

"Stabbed." I said trying to say it firmly.

The line went dead silent until he finally talked, his voice quiet.

"I will come home soon wait – "

I ended the call weeping my eyes out, how did dad sound so calm? Maybe that was the key to life, hid all your emotions, don't let them know, keep it in, just pretend.

<End Flashback>

Even though it was 7 years ago, I remember the event clearly, ever single word I was told and what I took for granted. So now I'm here, working and studying hard to have a good future, that's all I need to have a new start to my life. No more continuous hours of sobbing, regretting and doing nothing, because I know my mum wouldn't want that. With my future and grades, I will do my mum proud, I promise.
Me and my dad decided to move to Seoul as we had a few relatives there, while my brother and sister remained in America. Today was a typical Monday and I was getting dressed. I looked at the clock, 7.30 am. I walked downstairs prepared to go to school.

"Dad! I am leaving for school now." I said grabbing an instant milk.

He nodded. "Goodbye!"

I left the house walking to school in a good mood. I was singing EXO Call Me Baby, it was a catchy song.

"Wow, you sing so well- not!" An unfamiliar boy said. He looked like someone in my class. Way to make someone go from happy to sad.

"Who are you?" I frowned.

"Duh, how can you not know me, I am KIM TAEHYUNG!" He smiled, his mouth forming into a rectangular shape.

I nodded stiffly, freaked out by his actions. "Well, bye." I ran for my life. Gosh, I barely talk to anyone except my family and close- friends. Yes, close-friends.

"Yo, Fany, Fany." Taeyeon shouted at me from 10 meters away.

"YO, MA MAN!" I shouted back... I instantly regretted. Everyone's judging eyes turned to me, I bowed to them awkwardly before picking up my pace.

"Tiffany, have you finished your math homework?" Taeyeon asked with her dazzling smile as usual.
"No, I only got halfway." I answered, not surprised of what would she say next. Taeyeon was perfect, pretty, smart, not comparable to me.

"Do you want me to help? I finished."


"Nah, it's okay, let's go before we are late." I declined politely.

She nodded looking considerate. She fixed her luxurious blonde hair perfectly and walked peacefully to class with me, sharing a few laughs on the way.

Ayo wuddup peeps?

Ayo wussup~

I am not sonebangtan

I'm her friend

Chogi_Exo and i edited this, so i'm posting it.

She wrote it and I edited soo...

Yah! Please show ur support...

Please please please please



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Help Me [Vfany]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara