Shit. Nuh-uh. I couldn't let her past that stage. Once the tears started, I knew there was no going back. I glared at Marissa and jerked my head in Demi's direction with my lips pursed. "Help. Her." I tried to communicated silently with Marissa. I had to go find the girls before Demi had another meltdown like last night's.

I grabbed my jacket from the hook by the door and ran outside into the cool morning air, my phone in my hands and Demi's car keys in my pocket (I had gotten my driver to drop me off here last night so I didn't have my car). Unlocking my phone, I texted Marissa and told her to use her own car to look for the girls as well as soon as Demi calmed down, and to phone me ASAP if she found either of the kids. Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I got in Demi's car and backed out of the driveway.



I woke up to something wet on my face. Arggghhh! This 'being woken up by dousing my face with water' thing really needed to stop. It was not pleasant, I can tell you that. I sat up and looked above me, to see Ida excitedly shaking a leafy branch of the bush we were hiding other, causing it to drop water all over me.

"Don't make me regret letting you sleep under here with me," I growled grumpily.

"Sorry!" Ida chirped. Well, somebody was an early bird. "But the sun's up and people are walking around the park! I thought you might wanna get a move on.

Was I missing something? "A move on to where?" I grumbled.

"I dunno, we could do something fun!" she smiled hopefully,

Hmm, that's funny. I didn't recall telling her this was some sort of slumber party sleepover fun thing or something shit like that. I thought this was just a one-nighter thingamajig and that by morning she would be homesick and sad and go back to her family, because, well at least she had a family to go back to. Excuse me if I sound bitter, but I think I have a right to be. This Ida girl seemed to be treating this as a joke, as if sleeping under a bush in a park was something I was doing just for the fun of it.

"Uhmmm, don't you have somewhere to be or something? Or won't your parents notice you're gone?" I asked, rather rudely I must admit.

Her face fell. "Oh...sorry...I just thought...never mind. I guess I'll just go. It's just that I have no where to family, I don't think they want me anymore...and I thought you wanted someone to hang out with...and...never mind I'm leaving," Ida said sadly, turning away.

Shit. There I go again, pushing another person away. Stupid, stupid, stupid Robyn. Good job. I hadn't thought her situation was that bad, but I guess it really was. In that case, I had to keep that girl with me, because she obviously had no idea how to live out here on her own.

"No! Come back!" I called desperately. "That's not what I meant. I'm sorry. I'm just--I'm just being stupid. Please stay," I begged. "We can...we can go for a walk or something!" I said quickly, not being able to come up with anything better on the fly.

"That was a quick change of heart," Ida said, raising an eyebrow. "You sure you want me here?"

"Yes!" I replied, relieved she wasn't mad.

"Reeeeally sure?" she asked.


"100% sure?" I could hear a tinge of laughter in her voice.

I giggled. "169% sure!" I confirmed in a singsong voice.

"Okay then," Ida said! smiling happily. She held her hand out, and I looked at her strangely before realizing she meant for me to hold it. I was tempted to inform her that holding hands was dumb and girly, but I bit my tongue and intertwined my fingers with hers.


GAHHH sorry this chapter was so short and yucky and I didn't bother to edit, half of it got accidently deleted the first time and I really didn't have the patience to do it up to the same quality it was the first time...also I'm writing this non fanfic novel thing and I'm super into it so I keep forgetting to update this too :)

Anyywayysss OMG the twitter drama last night ha with Demi following people and the "most dedicated fan" thing? That was so stupid, I mean it's not Demi's fault she can't follow all 20 million of her fans! But Neil followed me last night and I was so happy <3

You guys should follow my twitter btw @fight4demetria7 ....comment yours on this chapter and I'll follow back!

Oh and I literally have like no life right now and I'm so bored and twitter and Instagram are so dead right now so someone should totes DM me on twitter or wattpad Idc I just want someone to talk to..I've always wanted a Lovatic best friend! :)

Anwaysusussus hope you like this chapter, the next one will start off with Ida and Robyn taking a walk and explaining their life stories to each other ;)))) OMG I want to ship them so much but that wouldn't work because ofc I want Demi to adopt or like take care of Robyn but then Ida, whom I'm sure you all know is Maddie, would be her sister so that wouldn't work. Ughh.

Whatever thanks for 1.8 K y'all are so great!


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