Chapter 1: Um, Hey?

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  • Dedicado a To All My Beautiful Readers <3

Brooklyn sits down beside me, taking a bite of her apple and checking her iPhone at the same time.

"So, how did double English on the first day work out for you?" She asks, still scrolling down the page of whatever she was doing.

"It was... I dunno."

"So it was good then?" She says, now swiping side to side on her phone, obviously not picking up on anything that I say.

"Umm, yeah, I guess so." I lean over the table to try see whatever she was looking at. "Wait, who are you texting?" I ask her, still trying to have a good look peep at it.

"Um, a guy."

"WHO?!" I obviously missed a lot during a double session of English. More than I realised.

"Tobias." She says, still not looking up.

Uh, ew. "What's he saying?"

"Not much. Just that he wanted to, um, catch up with me after school. For a-"

I cut her off, "WHAT!"

"-Date..." She finished.

Oh my god, he was so cheesy. "Oh my goodness Brook! No way! It's the first day..." I said.

"So? You and that other guy, what's his name, you were just as bad!"

"BROOK, NO! He's new. I had to be nice, duh." Oh no, she was getting the wrong idea.

"Who's new?" A deep voice behind me says.

Brook laughs.

He walks up so he's beside me.

"Um, hey...?" He smiles down at me. Then he was there, smiling beside me. And suddenly that smile made him so much more attractive.


"MUM! I'm home!" I say, dumping my bag down beside the kitchen counter. I walk into the lounge, plonking down on the couch and flicking on the TV with the remote. Spongebob comes on unexpectedly and I change the channel to something more, well, just more. Nothing good comes on as I surf through the channels, so I decide to go for a long walk to clear my head.

"Muuuuum! I'm just going out for a bit! I'll be back by 7!" I yell, slamming the front door shut behind me.


I sit down on the old swing set at the playground. I slowly swing, thinking about school and just other things in general. I think about my Dad mostly, but my thoughts are distracted by someone sitting down on the swing beside me. I look over at the tall figure beside me, dressed in a hoodie and dark jeans. He looks over to where I'm sitting, and I try get a good look at his face. I gasp. Its Luke!

"What are you doing here?" I say to him.

"Um, well I'm swinging, arent I?" He replies with a cheeky grin.

"You gave me such a fright, do you know that?''

"Hell yes, by the look on your face!"

"Back to my question, why are you here?" I ask him.

"I had to get outta the noise at my place for a bit. Actually, now that I think about it, I shouldnt've left them anywhere near my kitchen. Whoops." He mumbles the last bit, starting to stand up and leave, then obviously deciding against it, "Speak of the devil." There's giggling in the not-so-far-away distance, and it's getting closer by the sound of it. Suddenly three heads pop up from around a corner, and I automatically see why he wanted to get away...

He Looks So Perfect: A Luke Hemmings/5sos FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora