He lets out a sharp laugh, "if I did you and Daniel would of been dead."

"Well thanks for keeping the secret," I smile.

He nods with a smile.

"So," I say trying to change the subject. "I've been dying to ask about you and Melissa."

"It's none of your business."

My mouth hung open at his cockyness. "She IS my best friend so her business is my business."

He rolls his eyes, "nothing is going on between us. We're just homies."

"Just homies?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he said in a low tone.

"Why? You guys have been really close with each other for the last two years. I mean from what she tells me she's really into you," I tell him.

He smirks, "is she really?"

I nod.

"Yeah well, I fucking love her too but I don't know it's just hard for me you know? Raul was my homie and I don't want to disrespect him in anyway."

"You aren't Gustavo. You make Legend and her happy which is what Raul would want even if that means being with you."

"You think so?"

"I know it," I smile making him smile back.

"You know I might actually have a talk with her tonight. I'm about to pick her up to go to a kickback at Leo's pad. Most of the homies are gonna be there you should come," he suggest but i immediately shake my head.

"Oh no I have so much work to do," I start but he cuts me off.

"Veronica come on don't bullshit me. I promise I'll be here tomorrow to help you out," he insist.

I keep shaking my head. It's not right for me to be leaving Elena then go to a kickback.

"Veronica please tonight might be the most important night of my life finally making it official with Melissa and I want you to celebrate with us," he began.

"Gustavo I said no I can't. Besides Diablo is one hundred percent going to be there and I don't need him to be giving me shit for going," I snap.

He sighs, "that won't happen I promise if he does I'll jump in. I won't let him disrespect you like that, Ronnie. Please just come don't make me drag you to the car."

"Okay fine but when I say take me home you better fucking take me home or else," I hold my pistol in the air making him nod.

With so much regret I follow Gustavo to the car. This is such a bad idea, I think to myself. I feel so guilty going to this kickback and having Elena at home but there's no turning back now.

We drive over to Melissa's house first to pick her up. As soon as she saw me in the car she freaked out. When I told her how I felt about going to the kickback she comforted me with, 'it's okay to be off momma duty for a night' and to enjoy it. Along with that Diablo is also a dad of two kids and is attending so I guess it won't hurt to have fun right?

We finally get to the party house and oh my. Music blasted from inside the house making it shake almost. There were red cups throws everywhere in the lawn, people stumbling around drunk as fuck, some from Surenos others just friends, clusters of people just hanging out being all loud. Shit and it's only nine o'clock.

"Damn this is lit as fuck," Gustavo grins next to me as we crossed the street.

I give him a look, "this isn't no kickback but a fucking party idiot."

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