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We walked into the car and I sat in the back with Elijah while Ethan drove with Sub next to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder afraid but I didn't want to show it. "You OK there?" Elijah asked softly looking no down at me. "Yea, just fine." I said not looking at him. He held his arm around me as we drove to drop me off at my house.
We arrived at my house finally and I just wanted to sleep all day locked inside my room.
"Alright, see you guys later I guess." I said slowly coming out of the car. "Wait, I'll stay with you tonight." Elijah said getting out of the car. "No you don't have to. Just go home. I promise you I'm fine." I said giving a faint smile. "You don't fool me Y/N. It's OK to be scared. But really I'm gonna be here and show you that there's nothing to be afraid of." Elijah said as he came over to me and held my hand. "But you don't even have anything." I said. "I don't need anything. I can wear this tomorrow, it'll be fine." Elijah said. "Alright, I guess." I said. We walked down my drive way and Ethan drive off. I was actually relieved that he decided to stay with me.
We walked into my house and my mom came and hugged me. "Hi mom!" I said hugging her. "Hello sweetie. You OK?" she asked. "Yea, yea I'm fine. Just wanna get some rest that's all." I said. "Alright, go ahead. Tell me if you need anything." My mom said. I nodded my head and went upstairs with Elijah. "So all you wanna do is sleep." Elijah asked as we walked into my room. "Yea sorry. I'm really tired." I said. "No it's fine. I'll be right here." Elijah said as he sat on my desk chair. I laid in my bed comfortably knowing Elijah was here and slowly fell asleep.

Elijah POV
As Y/N laid in here bed asleep, I sat on a chair on my phone until I heard Y/N's phone ding. I went to grab it. I know it's not right for a guy to look through their girlfriends phone but I'm not "that" kind of boyfriend. I looked at the lock screen and it said voice message from an unknown number. Luckily Y/N trusted me enough to let me know her password.
I opened her phone and listened to the voice message.

Voice message

I know who are are and where you live. You put my only sister in jail. You took her away from me. I will get payback.from you. And Ethan. And everybody else. Especially your boyfriend who rejected my sister. I'm coming after you guys. Tonight. So watch out.

Voice mail ended

I set the phone down on the counter slowly and inhaled what I just heard. Somebody is really coming after Y/N, and all of us. I didn't want to wake Y/N up or frightening her. So I left her sleeping. I called everybody else and warned them. Most of all, I didn't want then to get to Y/N. Whoever it is. Although they said that they were Angie's brother. I didn't even know she had a brother. I thought she was an only child.
Everybody texted me and they all kinda wanted to go after him instead of sitting around waiting for him. I thought it was kinda risky leaving Y/N alone, but I told her mom to look after her. I know she'll protect her with her life.
How could all of this happen. Y/N constantly being threatened and afraid. She's an innocent person. She doesn't deserve any of this. But I'll do whatever it will take to keep her safe.
Denis picked me up from her house along with every body.
We were worried that while we were out hunting for him, he'll come to Y/N while she's alone. So we decided that Corl, Alex, and Denis stay with her. Since me, Ethan and Sub are kinda tiny.
We headed out in the car and I had no idea where I was going, but I knew the goal was to find him.

It's currently 9:05 pm. We've just been driving around the dark roads. There were no cars or people around.
"Dude, we've been out here for hours, and we don't even know who we're looking For." Sub said. "I know, but, even if we don't find him, we'll just keep look out." I explained. "Alright. I'm guessing we'll be here all night." Sub said yawning. "Maybe... We just, have to keep looking." I said leaning in the window.
Then the window next to me shattered. After that all the other windows broke and left big glass pieces in the car.
"SUB WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled. "DO YOU THINK I KNOW?!" Sub yelled back. Then the car started shaking and we quickly jumped out. We fell onto the road and sprinted away a bit from the car. All the sudden the car exploded and lit into flames. Me, Ethan, and Sub stood and the side of the road watching our car go into flames. "Somebody's definitely here." I said. "Yea.." Ethan said as we slowly backed away. We constantly looked around for anybody but we couldn't see. It was pitch dark. "Elijah, we gotta get outta here!" Sub yelled. "No, no, no, he's here. It's him, definitely him." I whispered. "Elijah, our car just lit into flames!" Ethan yelled. "Yes Ethan! I see that!" I yelled back.
Then I felt something on my back. I got afraid and I quickly turned around and swung my hand. A stranger fell to the ground. "Elijah!" Ethan yelled. "Sorry!" I said trying to help the man up. Then he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. We slowly stepped away. "Whoa, I'm sorry I punched you." I said. "Don't be sorry. Because I can do much worse." he said. "In Arthur, Arthur Delaware." he said. "Oh." I said less afraid. He's exactly who we were looking for, except, he has a gun. "Beat him up." Sub said. Then he shot the gun, but missed Sub. Right after I tackled him down to the ground as he tried to point the gun at me. Then Ethan and Sub helped me pile onto him. We fought him down as he was just a little strong but all three of us could take him down.
I didn't want him to hurt Y/N or any of my friends and I wanted to be the one save Save Y/N this time. Last time I did absolutely nothing and now she's injured.
I grabbed him by the neck and Ethan took the gun out of his hand. Helped hold him down as he tried to squirm out of our grip.
All the sudden big lights came behind us. I looked and it was 3 police cars. "Did you guys call the cops?" I asked Ethan and Sub. "No." they both said afraid.
Then they got out of the cars with guns and handcuffs. "Put your hands up boys! Your under arrest!" a cop yelled. "Crap." I mumbled as me, Ethan and Sub slowly got up with our hands in the air.


A/N~ hey guys! Long time no see. I'm truly sorry for not posting in the longest of time and I have no excuse. I feel so bad to just leave you guys on a cliff hanger for so long. But summer is coming up for me so I'll be writing more :) I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and forgive me for taking so long. Hope you guys have a good day too! Bye! 💜💙💜💙💜💙

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