Betrayed 2

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Me and Candy showed up at the party and his house was like a mansion. It was huge with two way staircases and a fountain in the entrance. We walked around and there was loud music playing. "This doesn't look like a party, it looks like a club." I said. "No it's fine. It's just really popular that's why." Candy replied. "Alright then." I said. I was still upset from what I saw but now I was more angry at him then upset. We sat down at a counter and got some punch. "So why don't you go out and look for a new man." candy suggested. "No. I'll just stay here." I said. "Cmon, you know you deserve better." Candy said. "No, I- I just won't." I said. "Well, there's Drake, the guy running the party, look he's coming." candy said. She fixed her hair and sat up but I just continued leaning over the counter. "Hey Candy, thanks for coming to my party." Drake said. "Oh, no prob." Candy said, trying to act "Normal". "Hey Y/N, I remember you!" Drake said. He was one of those "Most popular" people that played football and stuff. "Hi." I said bored out of my mind. "So, you gotta date here?" Drake asked. "Well, no but-" I said. "Do you wanna dance?" he said interrupting me. "Go Y/N, I'll be fine." Candy said. "But I don't want to." I whispered at her. "Cmon just go!" She encouraged. I turned to Drake, "Sorry, I'm not interested." I said. "Cmon, I'm not trying to do anything I just wanna dance." He said with a smirk. I looked at Candy and she motioned me to just go. I rolled my eyes and walk with him.
Subs POV.
I scrolled through my twitter to try to see other people's post so I can find out which party it was and where it is. It's was Drake's party. I told Elijah looking concerned and I pick him up. Our plan was to go pick her up so nothing happens to her. We drove to the party and tried calling her. "It want straight to voicemail." I said to Elijah. "Her phones either off or dead." Elijah said. We didn't want to actually go inside unless we had to.
I stood there with Drake crossing my arms looking at my feet. "What's the matter?" he asked. "Nothing." I said. "Cmon what's the matter?" Drake said. "I said nothing. I'm just not in the mood." I was kinda mad because I only came here to hang out with Candy but she ditched me. He looked at me and leaned in. It looked like he was trying to kiss me. I turned away and stopped him. "Um, I'm gonna go." I said. "No I'm sorry, you can stay." he said. I rolled my eyes, "No I wanna go home." I walked over to find Candy. "Candy, please take me home." I said. "What? Why? We just got here." she said. "I just want to leave. Please." I said. "Alright fine." She said. We got up and walked out the door and I said exactly what I didn't want to expect. Elijah and Sub was out side. Then Elijah saw me. I tried to look away and casually walk to the car as fast as possible. To bad we parked all the way down the road. "Y/N!" Elijah yelled. It was really late at night and I could barely see where I was going. "Y/N, please, let me explain!" he yelled frame behind me. I saw that he was following me trying to catch up to me. "Y/N, I swear, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." he said as he caught up to me. "I know that Elijah!" I yelled. "Then why are you still angry?" Elijah questioned. I stopped at the car finally and Drake was leaning on the door handle. Elijah froze behind me. "Drake, can you please get off the door." I asked. "Sure." he got off and leaned in. I was too focused on getting away that I didn't notice what he was trying to do until it was too late. He kissed me for a second then I pushed away. I took a glance at Elijah and he looked like his heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. I opened the door and got in the car. We drove away and I felt my heart tear into pieces when we drove by Elijah.
Elijah POV.
When I saw Y/N kiss another guy my heart sank and got shredded into pieces. I didn't understand why she was still mad at me if she knew that I didn't kiss her. Has she just moved on? "Cmon Sub, let's go." I said as I watched her drive away. "I'm sorry Elijah idk what happened there." Sub said. "She just moved on apparently." I said sadly. "No, she count have, first of all, I know she loves and and second of all, you guys are still dating." Sub said. "If she had moved on, she probably would've broken up with you by now." Sub continued. He kinda lifted my spirits knowing that I'm still with her. "Your right I guess." I said. "Do mind dropping me off at her place." I asked. "Well, if you can get a ride home then I don't mind." Sub said. "Ok." I said. "Be careful, she may look strong and confident on the outside but she has a fragile heart." Sub said. I didn't answer I just nodded at him. We got to her house and I walked up to the door. I gave it a little knock and nobody answered.

I heard a knock at the door and I looked through the window. It was Elijah, no matter how much I just wanted open the door and hug him forever, I contained myself. The knocking continued then his voice spoke up. "Y/N, please. Let me explain." he said. I glanced at the door and continued to ignore it. He kept knocking, "Please Y/N, I know your here, I know your listening." he said. I felt tears coming down my eyes because I just wanted to be with him. I was literally about to just open the door and hug him. I walk to the door and reach out for the door knob, then I hesitated. I just couldn't. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't. I sat at the door crying. I knew he was still there but I can't. I was back to back leaning on the door crying refusing to open the door.
Elijah POV.
I know Y/N was there, and I waited and waited. I kept on knocking but she just wouldn't talk to me. I didn't know why she was mad at me still if she knew that I didn't do it. I got frustrated and upset and sat down at the Door back to back on it. I felt tears rolling down my eyes and just sat there with my head in between my arms, covering my face. I waited and waited for the door to open but it's like she just lost interest.

A/N~ Hey I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry it's short but I didn't have time and I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible for you guys. And thank you for almost 300 reads! I didn't even think people would see this but thank you. See ya in the next chapter! Bye! 💜💚💙💜💚💙💜💚💙

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