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I woke up in the morning in Subs arms and slowly got out. I successfully got out of bed without waking him up. I went downstairs before doing anything and went on my phone. I took it a cup of ice cream I had in the fridge and ate it. Then I felt hands covering over my eyes and smiled. "Hey guess who." Sub said. "Sub I know it you, your the only one here." I said. He took his hands off my eyes and bent down to look at me. "Hey it could be you mom, you never know?" Sub said and I laughed. Then Ryland woke up and sat down with us. "Morning Rye." I said. "Morning Y/N." Ryland said yawning. He sat down on the table sitting across from me and we just talked with Sub.

Elijah POV.
It's been only a couple days Y/N and Sub have been dating but I still felt really lonely. She never talks to me anymore and won't even look at me when I'm around. I always text her and call her but she never answers. By now I assume she just deleted me from her contacts. But why wouldn't she even talk to me, is what I don't get. She has a boyfriend and has obviously moved on but now she's just avoiding me. Shutting me out of her life like she never knew me. That's what really made me feel bad. At this point I didn't know what to do. I think I lost the love on my life.

We sat there talking and decided to get really. Sub wanted to call the pals and hang out with them at my place this time. I went to go put on my clothes and take a shower. I got out and I was wearing sport shorts and a crop top with my hair damp and wavey. Soon the pals showed up one by one. Alex showed up first, then Dennis came, then Corl came. Then I completely forgot the last person. Elijah came and I felt really uncomfortable. I wanted to avoid him because I was dating Sub now, but, I still liked Elijah. We all sat down at the table and Elijah sat right across from me. How was I suppose to avoid him if every time I look up, his face is right there. I felt like there were giant boulders holding me down and I just needed to get all this "Elijah" stuff off my chest.
I wasn't paying attention to the conversation with all these things in my mind and I was looking downwards because I tried avoiding looking at Elijah. Then out of nowhere Sub lifted my chin and kissed me right in front of everyone... And Elijah. I felt really uncomfortable and Sub pulled away before I did. I did not feel comfortable with that kiss and I looked at Elijah. He was looking down and looked really sad. I had a whole bunch of mixed feeling and I just needed someone to talk to. Usually when something like this happens I have Sub to talk to, but I can't in this situation. I couldn't handle the pressure I felt at that moment so I ran to my room. "Sorry, I don't feel good." I said quickly and ran. I sat on my bed and my head hurt badly. I felt like I just came out my math class. (Lol) I sat there with my knees up to my head and someone walked in the door but I didn't look up. "Can you please leave, I want to be alone." I mumbled. "I'm sorry I can't do that. I just care too much." The person said. I looked up and my heart started Relaxing. It was Elijah. He stood there with a friendly smile. "What's wrong?" Elijah asked. I got up and hugged him really tightly. He seemed like he really didn't expect that but he hugged me back. This. This felt really nice. But then I was afraid Sub would see so I quickly let him go. I felt a tear come down and I quickly wiped it away so he wouldn't think that I was upset or Anything. "Um, nothing wrong. I'm fine. My head just hurts." I said sitting back down on my bed. He came and sat next to me looking straight at me. "No your not. You hugged me like your about to die or something. What's wrong." Elijah said. I was debating if I should tell him or not but I really wanted all this weight lifted off my chest. I took a deep breath and signed. "I don't think I like Sub. I liked it better when we were friends but if I broke up with him then it would break our friend ship and us dating is just making my life confusing and uncomfortable between us and you." I said all in one breath. Elijah looked very shocked and didn't respond for a minute. "Wait, confusing and uncomfortable between you and me?" Elijah asked. "Um, I didn't mean to say that.. Between me and Sub.. Not you." I quickly said. "Please don't tell anyone." I said afraid. I looked down and Elijah lifted my chin and turned me to him. He started leaning closer to me and I was about to kiss him. I leaned to him and had flashbacks of the times I kissed other guys when I was dating one. I didn't want to do that to Sub. Before he kissed me I stood up and turned away from him. "I can't. I'm sorry." I said and walked out the door. Everybody was still at the table laughing and talking. "You OK?" Sub asked. "Yea I just want to be alone." I said putting on my shoes and grabbing my purse. I walked out the door and drove away.

Sub POV.
"I wonder why she left. This is her house." I said. Everybody laughed. "Aye we got Ryland here and her mom so it's not like she just left us here." Denis said. Elijah walked out from downstairs looking upset. "Hey, what happened with here. I thought you were gonna cheer her up?" I said. "Well, she just wanted to be alone." Elijah answered. "Well, yesterday I came here in her car so I guess I'm stuck Here." I said. I saw how sad and broken Elijah looked and I really felt bad. Then I had all these flashbacks of me and Y/N of times when we had fun being just friends. I felt like us dating made everything awkward.


"Sub! Sub! Turn around!" Y/N yelled from a distance. I turn around and Y/N is there running to me. I open my arms and she engulfed me in a big hug. "I missed you so much!" Y/N said. "Me too. How could I not miss my best friend!?" I said hugging her. I hugged her tightly and so did she.
This was when we were in junior high and Y/N left to go on a trip around the world with her family and I haven't seen her in 5 months.

~Flashback over~

I realized how much I missed being just her friend. How she can always come to me and count on me. But now she doesn't. She ran off when she could've talked to me. I liked it a lot better when we were best friend but If I broke up with her then that would ruin our friendship. Usually when I have problems with a girl I would go to Y/N but I cant do that. I felt a tear come down my face and realized what I've done. I've completely ruined our relationship And idk how to get it back. "Guys, can I talk to you?" I said. "Yea dude anytime." Corl said. "What's wrong bud?" Denis said. We all sat down and had a serious talk with only the guys. "Well, I feel I messed up big time." I said. "What happened?" Alex asked. Elijah sat there with his elbow on the table holding up is head. "I want Y/N to be my best friend again." I said. Elijah's face lit. "What?" I asked.

Elijah POV.
I knew that Y/N didn't like Sub and Sub didn't like Y/N. This could be it. This is my chance to get her back. I was about to blurt out what Y/N told me then I realized, I should tell her first and let her do it since this was none of my business. "Nothing.." I replied to Sub. I ran out to my car and tried to find Y/N.

I drove off because my head hurt really badly and I needed to get away from all the boys. I went to a park and it was big and lonely. I sat on the bench by a lake and stared out at the water. I don't know what to do. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it startled me. I flinched and screamed. "Oh.. Sorry." said the person. I looked behind me and it was Elijah. "How did you find me?" I said. "I just know how much you liked this place and your always here so I came." Elijah said. I felt a warmth in my heart with him here that I just wanted to kiss him. But I knew I couldn't. "I need to tell you something." Elijah said. "Elijah I don't want to here your apologies-" I said getting interrupted by Elijah. "No it's not that. Sub, told us that he really just wants to be friends with you again and-" Elijah said but I stopped him. I leaned into him and kissed him.

A/N~ hey! Hope you guys liked this chapter! It's not as exciting but more interesting than I said and kinda confusing. I know I stopped at a weird place but I didn't know where to stop writing so I just stopped here. But anyways I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you soon! Byes! 💖💘💛💚💙💜

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