But then I saw someone running towards me.

Oh s.hit.

I immediately closed and locked my locker and started walking fast to- uhh- wait- Where the f.uck should I go?! F.uck it.

I bumped on some students but didn't give a f.uck, as long as I am away from that a.ssface it's gonna be fine.

But then I felt someone just grabbed my arm.

Oh f.ucking no.

"What do you want now?" I said coldly and faced her, she's f.ucking smiling once again for no reason what the actual f.uck is wrong with this kid?!

"Hi Myoui! I asked you something yesterday but you just gave us a glare, so may I know what your answer is?" She said and pouted, oh damn she looks like a f.ucking duck doing that thing.

"What do you think my answer is?" I said and raised an eyebrow at her, she smirked and moved closer, she lowers her f.ucking face and faced me so f.ucking close.

What the f.uck is she doing?!

"Uhm, a yes?" She said and pinched my left cheek, ohmygod are we even close? Ugh, this day is so stressful already!

"Well that means you are dumb as f.uck, because it's a NO. Now get out of my sight ostrich." I said and I was about to walk away, but I guess this kid won't just shut the f.uck up, oh god.

"But I don't want to, I really wanna be friends with you." She said and she faced me to her, I am so getting pissed off already.

"You are too noisy you dips.hit, and I don't want people being all noisy around me and stuff. I just want a peaceful life, but with you here following me around, it makes me want to tie you up and put a duct tape on your damn mouth."

I said, and that's a f.ucking warning for her but i guess she is just really dumb and I don't know what to do already.

"Tie me up, ey?" She said and smirked, like what the f.uck?

What does she mean by tha-

No f.uckin' way-

"Is that how you really think?" I said and rolled my eyes, I pushed her and went to our first class already.

Yeah, you heard that right.


Ugh, I'm dying.


After 2 classes, it's break time already.

Yes, away from people for the mean time.

I walked upstairs to the rooftop, and as soon as I opened the door the cooling breeze said hi to me, so calm.

No a.ssface around me.

I was actually surprised that there's an existing rooftop here, there are chairs and plants and even coffee tables, wow.

I sat on a chair and put my other stuff on the coffee table infront of me, it's actually not that kind of hot here, it's a bit cold or whatever i don't give a s.hit anyway.

I still have 35 minutes to stay here and relax and to calm my f.ucking nerves because of that dumb a.ssface.

I let out a very deep sigh.

I ate my sandwich and drank my coffee, it's really cool here.

I guess I'm the only one who knows about this rooftop thing.

Might as well close my eyes for awhile.


I heard someone opened the door.

Opposite Poles [JeongMi]Where stories live. Discover now