Skylette sighed dreamily. "It is such a romantic story! I hope I can have a happy ending like that someday."

Edwin snorted. "You could if you'd stop being so stubborn about a certain stable boy."

Campbell sat up straighter, interested in this bit of news as he looked between them.

"Stop it, Edwin, you know that's over with. He made his choice and he's moved on." She shrugged as if it mattered little to her, but he saw the sadness reflected in her eyes. She wasn't as over this boy as she claimed.

His smile was true, real and not forced, when it crept onto his face. This was something he could use. If he found this stable boy, perhaps he could force the princess to cooperate in exchange for the lad's life. "A stable boy, how dramatic. What has your father said of it?" he asked.

The princess shrugged. "We were never anything more than friends, we grew up together. It really doesn't matter because he's gone now. He moved from the stables and trained to become a guard. He's a soldier now and has left things like our friendship behind." She raised her head and met his gaze. "He left the palace some weeks ago without saying a word to anyone. I have no idea where he's even gone."

"That's a shame. Too bad he couldn't own up to his feelings. I'm sure you would have been happy together."

"There's no way to know if we even would have ended up together." She smiled before looking down at her plate. "I'm sorry, the food is excellent, but I'm suddenly not very hungry. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll retire for the evening."

He rose when she stood. "I'm sorry if you're feeling unwell, Princess."

"I think I'm just in need of a good night's rest." She turned and exited the room.

Edwin sighed and his bride sent him a look that told him he was in trouble. "You shouldn't have mentioned him. You know it upsets her."

Campbell took his seat. "I wish I had known, I would have kept my mouth shut."

"It isn't your fault. I suppose it's his for leaving her without a word. Poor Sky believes her father forced him to leave. She's rather distraught over it. Though she won't admit it, I think her feelings for him ran much deeper than she wants to admit." Edwin shook his head as if the situation were too sad to contemplate. "I think perhaps the boy felt the same. I met him only once, so I can't say."

"You met him?" Campbell asked in surprise.

"Yes, some men broke into the castle and attacked us while we were sitting out in the gardens. If it wasn't for the young man and his fellow soldier we wouldn't have come out alive. The fight was very one-sided, I was quite overwhelmed by the attackers and feared I wouldn't be able to keep the princess from harm."

"Well then, perhaps we can find the lad for her. If we know who he is and what he looks like, I'm certain we could locate him."

Edwin shrugged. "I doubt it very much, for all we know he's left the country."

"Do you know the boy's name?" he asked eagerly.

"I'm afraid not, we were never formally introduced. I only knew him as Sky's stable boy. She never referred to him by name."

"A shame, it would have been nice to surprise her."

Piper laid a hand atop her husband's. "I think I'd like to retire as well."

"Of course, my dear." He looked at Campbell. "It you'll excuse us ..."

He rose when they did, smiling. "Of course, you must be exhausted after your ride today. I'll bid you good night."

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