capítulo número veintitrés; el beso australiano

Start from the beginning

During one of the calls, he had been at an office by himself, talking to me as dirty as he could, (I swore I was doing to need a new mattress by how wet he was making me,) and I was masturbating like a sex addict, one of the workers walked in and had a conversation with him for around ten minutes.

For exactly ten minutes, Luca glanced between the man and my fingers in my wet püssy. That had probably been one of the best orgasms I ever had with him through FaceTime.

He was so descriptive with the things he wanted to do to my body and since I knew his touch more than I knew my own name, my hands felt like it was him doing all the touching.

I had missed him so badly that I had gone to the extent of just visiting his apartment because everything in there smelled like him. He had even asked me to go and masturbate in his bed and I enjoyed the hell out of that too.

Luca had recently put mirrors on his ceiling and watching every part of my body as I touched myself was extremely exhilarating. He liked it a lot, too. Sex between us was just explosive and passionate. It was raw and good and I was more addicted to it than a cocaine addict.

"Dani," Mrs. Maggie sang, "yoo-hoo! Where did you go?"

I blushed, grinning at her and said, "Sorry, was thinking of Luca."

"Oh," she grinned, knowingly, "what about?"

"How much I love his dïck," I blurted out.

She laughed. "Oh, Dani-love! What am I going to do with you?"

I shrugged, pouting my lips. "Talking about him just makes me miss him even more. We haven't spoken since yesterday because he's flying in today and it feels like a millennium has gone by."

"If I didn't know any better," She mused, "I'd say you love him."

"Mrs. Maggie!" I gasped, dramatically. All those novelas taught me well. "Don't say that! Take it back," I got on my knees, "take it back, take it back!"

She laughed and I looked up at her desperately. "Why?"

"Takeitbacktakeitback!" I breathed out, "The sex might get cursed!"

"It's not bad to love him, Dani-love." She murmured, smiling in reverie. "Being in love with the right person is almost magical. That's how it was with my Noah and I don't regret a second of it."

I bit my lip, curling up again beside her rocking sofa and sighed. "I just...I'm scared," I whispered, becoming serious for one second in my life, "once I begin to love someone, they leave. I don't want that to happen with Luca."

"Oh, sweetheart," She sighed, patting my head comfortingly. "Luca seems to be a good man. I could tell the moment I met him. He couldn't stop looking at you to make sure you were okay. He even helped me with the will because he knows it was important to you. That man cares for you more than just friends with benefits do."

I didn't say anything. I just looked down at my hands and played with my fingers nervously. At one point, I was afraid of losing Mrs. Maggie, but now I was afraid of loving Luca and have him leave me like everyone else had in my life.

I knew I liked him. I liked him more than I should've. I liked him to the point that it was dangerous. To the point that I didn't want any other woman looking at him because he was mine. If I had to pee on him, then so be it! It'd be our new fetish! I wasn't going to share him. Not even with Toby!

"Have you talked to him about it?" She asked and I nodded. "What did he say?"

"He said that he wasn't going to leave me. In fact, he promised," I breathed out, "and he's been pretty constant with his promises."

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