Chapter 2

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Second Period

"So" a tall brunette said blocking the door to Math class, "You got the hots for Brendon don't you?"

Not knowing what to say, I tried pushing past her into the classroom.

"Wait!" Fantasia said from behind her, "She didn't mean to come off so strong! This is Emily my best friend since 1st grade."

Trying not to be shy, I said hello and tried to walk into math again, but was was stopped by this girl with short hair who came running up to Emily and Fantasia.


"I am so so-" Fantasia said but I cut her off "Oh no it's ok.."

"Let us introduce ourselves." Fantasia said, "Hello I'm Fantasia!"

"Hey I'm Emily!"

"Yo, I'm Sadie"

"Hi everyone, I'm Amanda." I said feeling myself shrink with every moment.

"She's a shy one." Sadie said.

Well you see, I'm not really shy at all. Back in California, I was incredibly high on the social scale, and never stopped talking; but that was with MY friends where I could be myself and they wouldn't judge me. Here in West Wales I'm nothing.. And I know if I really show anyone who I am, I'll be a freak.

"Everybody in the hall, come inside for class!" Said an old gray haired teacher "Well if it isn't Amanda Armstrong, nice to meet you! I am your new math teacher Mr. Nella. Your seat is right next to Sadie and in front of Emily's."

"Thanks." I said not knowing what my thoughts on the teacher was.

The math lesson started and I could hear snoring behind me, I turned around and saw Emily sound asleep, drooling on her Math problems.

"Don't worry, she always zones out, Mr. Nella is used to it by now." I hear Sadie say, I nodded and zoned out myself thinking about Brendon. Hopefully he might be in my next period..

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