Seven in the morning, really? Part 2

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Here you go guys! Sorry for the late update!


    We’ve been at the mall for hours now. My feet ached, and my head was killing me from the useless chatter that everyone was doing. 

    “Cole, can we leave already? We haven’t bought anything and I’m hungry and I’m getting cranky.” I groaned out at him as we passed by a bench that I flopped down on, my arms crossed over my shoulder, clearly pouting. This is how I always got my way with Kevin. 

    “That’s exactly why we have to stay, you need to get new clothes cause you have nothing but one outfit to wear,” He replied as he sat down next to me, about a little bit down the bench. 

    “Actually, I have two outfits,” I replied cooly, only to have him roll his eyes in response. 

    “A school uniform does not count,” He said sternly, I was the one to roll my eyes this time. 

    “What does it even matter if I wear the same outfit? Maybe I like it so much that it’s all that I want to wear,” I said sarcastically. 

    “Oh, shush. Your getting new clothes, I know you want some cause you’ve been gawking at everything that you liked. I don’t know why you just didn’t buy that one top you were basically drooling over.” 

    “Because I have no-” But my words were cut off as a eerie, ear shrieking scream echoed throughout the mall, a loud noise following right after. People started screaming as some ran into close by shops that were inside the indoor mall. Others fell to the ground and put there hands over their heads as if it would help save them. While me, on the other hand just sat there staring wide eyes at the scene before me, not believing my eyes nor my ears. “Was that really a gun shot I heard? Or am I just imagining this all? 

    “Maybe this is all a bad dream, there was no way that they could have found me this easily. I made sure of it, I made sure to hide my face as I exited the town. I knew other gangs would be watching, so how did they find me?”  I repeated this over and over in my head, still not registering on if this was really happening or not. If that guy was really here, what did he want from me? To kill me? He didn’t have to go out of his way to shoot an innocent teen girl. But as I stared at the girl who now laid dead in her own pool of blood, I saw she had had the same hair color as me. He must have thought it was me.

    I was dragged from my thoughts as Cole started to shove me down, only then was I realizing that he had been yelling at me to get down for the past few minutes. Soon the world snap back to me as I dove down and onto the ground, Cole laying close beside me, our bodies pressed against each other. 

    “Oh, Angel~” The guy cooed loudly, glancing around at all the peoples faces, clearly trying to find me. “Come out, come out were ever you are,” He chuckled darkly. 

    “I saw you,” He carried on, “I know your here, so come on out. Let’s have some fun,” I felt a long shiver run through my spine, I turned to Cole to tell him we needed to leave. To run away from this mall as fast as we could, but when I turned to him I stared in horror. His once unique blue eyes were blood red. His bottom lip now had sharp fangs piercing at them. 

    “C-cole?” I stuttered out, his gaze darted to me before he spoke out. 

    “We need to leave,” He hissed out, I mean he literally hissed. He jumped up to his feet, dragging me to mine, before we started running. I glanced back to see if the guy saw us leaving, but when I did I wish I never did. Our eyes met, and as they did his smile grew wider, and he was soon running after us. “Shit this isn’t good,” I thought to myself as I stumbled over my feet as me and Cole darted around people who were laying on the ground, trembling in fear. 

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