The Library

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Lizzy's  Pov

I pulled out my notes and worksheet the teacher had printed off for me from my bag and set them on the wooden library table. I took my pencil from my bag as well, then I move the bag to the floor and let it rest at my feet. I picked up my pencil and started going over my notes, working out some of the problems, using the worksheet Cole and myself worked on together as a reference. 

As I worked, my mind kept replaying the scene from the hall way over and over again, causing to mess up and having to erase; a lot. Finally I got so frustrated that I scrabbled angrily all over the problem I was working on and growled through gritted teeth, “Why can’t my mind just freaking focus!” Suddenly, out of no-where, someone slammed a book loudly beside my arm making me leap right out my my seat, as I leaped up my shoe got caught on the chair leg causing me to go crashing down to the ground with a horribly loud yelp escaping from my lips. 

“Oh shit, I didn’t mean for that to happen!” Someone cried out as they ran over to help me up off the ground. I groaned from the pain that was arising from my lower end to the mid-section of my back. I sat there paralyzed in shock for a moment. But then, I felt that person grab me gently underneath my arms and pull me up gracefully as if I weighed nothing. I staggered up, tripping over my feet some, but managed to gain my balance back.

Once I could stand straight, I snapped out of my shock and turned around with a hostile look on my face to see who the idiot was that caused me to fall on my butt so painfully. I literally choked on air when my face came inches away from Coles, I felt the heat arise to my cheeks in embarrassment. I immediately yanked myself backwards, trying to get out of his light grip he still had on me. I almost fell backwards again from the force of pulling myself free, but Cole reached out in time to grab my wrist and stop me from falling, for almost the third time today. How annoying. I thought to myself.

“Y-you dumbass! What is the matter with you!” I snarled at him, showing him how much he pissed me off. 

“Look I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to happen, I had like two other books in my hands and it just sorta fell!”

“Sorta fell? It practically gave me a heart attack!” I screamed at him. He stared at me for a moment, guilt written all over his face. Then just like that, he suddenly bursted out laughing, laughing so hard that he fell over and onto the floor. Laughing. At me. 

I felt my eyebrow start to twitch, anger now boiling inside of me. I gritted my teeth, and basically gave him a death glare. 

“Why the hell are you laughing?” I growled at him. He looked up at me, then started laughing even harder. Tears were actually coming out of his eyes! I was getting so fed up with this child’s game, I turned around and started snatching my things up off the table, yanking my bag off the floor, and shoving my notes, and books into the bag. 

"Out of all people he had to bother with, it had to be me!" I grumbled under my breath, while I stomped out of the library, slamming the door and all. I was about half way down the hall-way when I heard the library door open up again,

“Hey! Wait up!” Cried the familiar voice who I knew all to well by now was Cole’s. Soon he was beside me, huffing a little from jogging to catch up with me. 

“I’m so sorry Lizzy, I swear that was a complete accident! I didn’t mean for it to happen,” I stopped walking at his words, and turned completely around, placing myself right in front of him. Face to face. I felt my jaw start to quiver, and when I opened my month to speak you could clearly hear that I was holding back tears. Tears from anger, and embarrassment.

“Accident?  I don’t care if it was a accident, that was completely and utterly humiliating!” I simi yelled to him. He stared at me a moment, his eyes searching mine. Finally he made a gesture towards me and I took a step back from him before he could touch me. He stopped moving and then said,

“I’m sorry, I really truly am.” I didn’t respond, which cause him to just go back to staring at me again. The more he stared, the more harder it was to bear holding back the tears that were demanding to be released. About another minute passed and I could feel my chin start to quiver more, telling me I was close to breaking. Finally I reached the point were I couldn’t hold them back any longer, the tears fell from my eyes. Tears of anger and frustration, but manly embarrassment. Embarrassment from being so easily scared by just a simple noise.

Just a simple stupid noise. I looked up and met Cole’s eyes with my own. Sympathy was all over his face, his eyes also soften. Those stupid beautiful eyes of his, just staring at me as if he was staring straight into my very soul. Eventually I couldn’t handle it no more, so I decided to run, to get as far away from him as I possibly could.

"Quit staring at me like that! I can't endure it anymore!" I hollered at him before I turned around and made my get away, running towards the end of the hall were the exit doors were, my converse making loud stomping nosies as I did so.

I ran and ran for as far as I could but eventually like everyone else, I had to come to a stop. My lungs ached and burned with lack of air. The tears finally coming to a stop from rolling down my now hot sticky face. Sweat was now plastered to my forehead and rolled down my temples. I moved my head up towards the sky for a moment to let the refreshing breeze cool me down some. But soon after, I started making my way home, walking ever so slow. After all I didn’t have no one who was waiting for me when I did return home. No one to ask me how my day was, absolutely no one. No one but myself...just me.

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