You Again?

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I walked out my front door, shutting it as I did so. I was heading off to school now,  even though I wanted to stay home, but I figured school would help keep my mind off things. 

My head was killing me, and my eyes and cheeks were raw from crying and wiping away my tears. It had been about four thirty when that nightmare had awoken me. I had tried for an hour to go back to sleep. But I couldn’t stop thinking, and all it did was make me toss and turn in my bed. So I just stayed awake and got up and ready for school at about six forty. It was seven twenty now, school will be starting at eight o clock. I had to walk to school since I didn’t have a car, and I preferred not to take a bus or taxi. 

I didn’t mind walking, after all it was a beautiful day today. The wind was a nice cool breeze, and the sun shine warmed everything up. These were my favorite kinds of days, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Kevin was somehow enjoying this day too. I sighed, and shook my head trying to clear the thoughts once again. 

“You have to keep yourself together,” I whispered to myself, shoving back the tears that were lightly trying to push their way from my eyes. “for Kevin..” 

“Who’s Kevin?” I heard a voice behind me boom. I leaped around, my heart beating fast at being frightened from the random voice that had dragged me out of my thoughts.

 “W-what the hell?! Are you stalking me or something!” I yelled. The idiot in front of me just chuckled, and replied,

“Of course I am! Why else would I be near were you live?” 

“Why cant you just leave me alone, Cole.” I said as I turned away from him and started walking down the sidewalk again. He picked up his pace and started walking beside me, his strides matching mine. 

“It’s not like I’m trying to keep bumping into you. I actually live down this road to be honest.” He said as he glanced over at me. I turned my head towards him just rolled my eyes. Of course out of all places for me to move in I had to move in next to pretty boy. What luck.

Cole then stopped walking, and out of curiosity I stopped and looked back at him. 

“Something the matter?” I asked. He just looked at me for a second, then he took a few steps toward me, his eye trailing over my face. 

“No, more like, is something the matter with you?” He brought his hand up and put the back of his cool fingers against the still hot raw skin on my cheek. It suddenly hit me on what he meant, he probably noticed that I had been crying not long ago. I pulled myself away from him, and walked a few steps up the sidewalk un-till I stopped and turned half way around and looking at him through the corner of my eyes. 

“It’s none of your business,” I said to him, not in a hostile way, but more of in a ‘please don’t bring it up again’ way. He just nodded his head some, then made his way up beside me, and we both started walking at the same pace again. Side by side But for the first time in months, ever since I was forced to leave my brother...I actually didn’t feel completely alone, even if I didn’t know Cole all that much, it still felt nice to have somebody else, besides myself, next to me again. 

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