50: Home Sweet Home

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"Hello Natalie," she told me with a smiled. I cared a lot for my sister-in-law, almost like she was my real sister. She was the closest thing I had to one. 

"Hello Wanda," I beamed back. "It's good to see you again. It's be a while." 

"Well you have had a job to do, and what I hear from Ellis, it's a handful. Maybe even more. I've heard you had three trips to the hospital in your time has a Ghostbuster." 

"Unfortunately, I have." 

"Well what about you Egon?" she asked looking at him. He was holding up Ed, and they were smiling at each other. Egon looked up at her. 

"Not has much excitement has Natalie," he answered, "but enough to keep me on my toes." 

"Egon, you have had a lot of danger to keep a thrill seeker happy for the rest of his life," I told him, making Grace laugh. 

"You have to do what you love," she put in. "I guess you two and that team really have to love what you do or else you wouldn't do it." 

"Good point." 

"So what has been up with you?" Egon asked sitting Ed down and he ran off to play. I remember Mom saying something about some of the family coming down to see us. I wondered who was going to come. 

"I've been good," she answered. "Just taking care of the kids. They miss their Uncle Egon and Aunt Natalie." 

"We missed them too," Egon said poking Grace on the nose. She giggled and wrapped her little arms around Egon's leg. He laughed at her. I heard the door open and close again, and I picked in to find myself groaning. It was my cousin on my father's side. He had red hair that had a black streak in it. His blue eyes were looking around at the home. 

"Egon," I groaned and he looked up. He sighed also. Our cousin, George, was a pain. He thought he was all that, but he didn't like either Egon or I. Egon could beat him at anything related to academic, and I could easily beat him at sports and athletic activity. So we usually stayed close to each other since he used a lot of big words I did not get at all, and he tried to beat Egon up. I walked over to Egon has George walked over to him. 

"Spengler twins!" he cried holding his arms like he wanted a hug. We didn't take it. He sighed. "So I heard you both were back in town and your mom was throwing a party. I thought I would stop by." 

"How thoughtful," Egon said, trying not to sound like he didn't like George either. I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Glad you came back home," he told us. "Tired of being be shoots all over the world to come see us little people?" 

"Just because we are famous in New York doesn't mean anything," Egon told him, but I elbowed him. He looked over and I gave him a look that maybe this is a victory on our part. 

"We had to take a break from all the crowds and people yelling our name," I put in. "Too bad you guys don't get to see it." 

"Great," he mumbled and walked out of the room. I gave Egon a high five and I smiled at him. 

"I think we can call that a win," I told him, and he laughed. 

"I don't normally dislike someone," he stated, "but I can't stand George for some reason. It is strange for me." 

"Maybe cause he is a jerk and tries to beat you to a pulp and makes me feel like an idiot every chance he gets." 

"Good point." 

"So I think we should go great the rest of our family," I said walking towards the door has more of my family came in. I spoke to almost all of them, probably missing one or two of them. It may not seem like it, but we had a very big family, most of them living in Ohio. I was about to walk up the stairs to get a little time to myself when someone typed me on the shoulder. I turned thinking it was Egon, but I saw George smirking at me. 

"Hello Natalie," he told me. "It's a pleasure to see you alone without Egon by your side. Seems he is also dally around you." 


"What you mystified about what that means?" 

"What are you saying?" 

"Let's face it Natalie, you are just a little sapling when it comes to the Spengler family. You always pondered if you could fit in, but let me let you know something," he pushed me into the wall. I tried to look around him to see if Egon was close to me. "You will never be a Spengler. Not like Egon. You are a disappointment." 

"Natalie?" someone asked, and I knew that people were looking. I didn't listen. I ran up the stairs, tears staining my eyes. George was right. I wasn't a good Spengler. I shouldn't even be called one. I ran into my old room, slamming the door shut. I was never going to be what they wanted me to be. I wasn't smart like all my relatives, I was just there. I decided that I should go to sleep, and I laid down to go to sleep. I was down with my family for tonight. If I could even call them that. 

I told you that it was going to be a drama filled chapter. So I want to put an ad on here real quick. One of my Stars, @jessy_lizzie, is writing a Ghostbuster fanfic. You all should go check it out and let her know what you think! Also Egon might actually have a niece and nephew. In the game he mentioned it, and on a picture he had a note that a little boy named Ed wrote him, and the boy called him Uncle Egon. So I am giving him one. Just cause I can! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll write more on it, cause it is a parter, I don't know how many parts! Oh, and I'm going on a five day trip so I won't be writing in this book! Whoops. Sorry guys! Peace out my Stars! 

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