Our Little Big Secret

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(A/N: i haven't watched Miracualous Ladybug in a VERY long time so any updates on this story is based off of what I've already watched,, im not sure if anything changed or happened in the newer episodes so...enjoy the update u guys rlly wanted)

"...so you can't tell anyone, alright? Please..." you begged.

You sat in your living room area with Adrien, confronting your eavesdropper.

"Don't tell any one hm...? Sure..."

You and Adrien took a sigh of relief.

"Under one condition."

You tensed up again.

"I only came over here to tell you that Chloe said to stay away from Adrien. So, if you want me to keep your secret...stay. away. from Adrien." she ordered with a dirty look.

You and Adrien looked at eachother. It was a difficult choice but...it was obvious what had to be done. You both nodded.

"Okay...I'll do it." You sighed. Adrien saw the depressed look on your face.

"Alright! See you at school tomorrow!"   she said, bouncing out of her seat.

"Sabrina..." You and Adrien said in unision as she exitied the house.

(srry its short :'") i just wanted to update 4 u guys)

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