Crying on a curb (Niall Horan)

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I sat there on the side of the curb, great another 21 days here. I dont know why i came here for my 21st birthday. Everyone knows i hate to drink, i hate parties i hate everyone who i came here with, but yet, they brought me here, and i let them. Now it's y fault, 21 more days in Vegas until they come back to get me. 21 Days with no food, no where to sleep, most of all, no one to love me.

I grab my half dead iphone and put it on shuffle, never say never starts playing and i close my eyes and think about if my so called friends will come back for me, there justjoking right, they won't make me wait out in the freezing rain for 21 days right? I look around and se nothing but black skys. White stars and a figure moving towrads me? Great.

This is Vegas, Autumn. You need to get out of here before your 6 feet under the ground because of some drunk. I shuffle to my feet and put my headphones deeper in my ear. I turn the music up, silently all the sounds besides the passenger.

I can feel someone watching me and i walk faster than i was before. Now my friends won't find me if they do come back, which i doubt, but keep my hope, and walk into the nearest nice cafe there is, i know i look horrible, my hair soaked, my curls all soaked down into straight clumps. My make up is smeared and my outfit is bagging on me.

"Do you need a towel sweetie?" The elder women asks as i walk in. I smile poitely and nod, she runs back to a room and hands me two towels, i thank her and walk to the bathroom. No one sin the clean bathroom so i dry my hair, pushing it either which way trying to soak the cold rain water out of it. I take a small cloth that was on the top that i did not notice, and wipe my seamered make up off, that was once perfect. I try to dry my clothes but theres not much i can do. 

"If your down with those i'll take them." The women says with a kind smile. "Thanks.." I say looking for my pocket, please have some money. "Honey, you don't nee to pay for anything, why don't you sit down and eat something." She says.

"Oh no...I don't want to waste your time when i don't have any money, but thank you." I say.

She points to a a table with 2 chairs and i obey, not wanting any trouble. A boy with blonde hair, a white shirt with a black jacket on.

"Why did you walk away from me?" He asks kindly and sits across from me.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Was going to offer you some place to stay..." He smiles.

"Thats really kind of you, but i think i'm good." i lie.

"That so...? So do you sit on a curb, crying, everday for no reason?" The irish accent asks.

"No...My friends ditched me...Here...But i will be fine." I smile.

"You should come with us...I promise...just come with me...I swear if you want to leave after i will let you." He says.

 I look into his bright blue eyes. He gives a kind smile.

"You met Niall?" The lady asks.

"Umm yes...?"  I ask looking at him. He smiles.

"Darling, thay boys nice, you don't have to worry about him, kidnapping you." She laughs. I smile.

"Fine...I'll go." I say giving him a look with my brown eyes, i never liked. His smile is wide and it brightens the room.

He orders some food. I wasn't paying attention though. What if Alsion,Ryan, Maddy and Ken do come back? I rub my head as i take a drink of my iceless water. "Are you okay?" Niall asks.

"Uhh yeah...Just thinking." I say.

He nods. "I never caught a name." 

"Ohh its Autumn." I say.

Crying on a curb (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now