Chapter 2: Nightmares

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Scourge's p.o.v
Branches whipped against and tore at my pelt, ripping large tufts of thick black fur from my body as I plummeted. My large claws scraped against the dead bark in a desperate attempt to stop the falling, but the bark just crumbled away at my touch.
An intense pain flared in my flank and I yowled in agony, whipping my head around I saw a branch piercing my flank. Blood oozed and gushed from the wound, and the branch creaked and screamed under the weight of me, and it finally snapped.

The plummeting started back up again, except a few moments later I felt the impact of the fall. The rotten smell of decay flooded my senses as mist swirled around my claws, the peaty earth beneath my paws was sharp and jagged. My head whipped around in fear, my muscles and joints screamed in pain.

I groaned at the sickening feeling and tried to stay still, the horrid stench of rot filling my senses. My throat felt wet and sticky, and I could taste the metallic taste of blood. My blood.
My breaths were short and shallow, every breath hurt and a small wheasing sound could be heard. Blood continued to gush and ooze from all my wounds, Where am I?!

After a while I looked up, my neck muscles relaxed enough that it only hurt a little bit. Dead, gnarled oak tree roots snaked their way into the clearing, and beyond the Oak trees it was almost impossible to see anything else. Faint moon light filtered through the thick veil of branches and the vague light was enough to reflect off of many pairs of eyes hiding among the oak trees.

My heart dropped in my chest and all I could feel was the cold glare of a pair of eyes in particular, dark amber eyes.
I yowled in pain as a pair of razor sharp claws ripped across my back, my temporary immobility making me completely vulnerable to any attacks. Blood gushed from the jagged gash and I could feel my eyes roll into the back of my head as the pain became too much.

A gruff and low voice echoed in my ear,"Remember our deal Scourge-"
I awoke with a sharp jab in my side, and yowled in suprise at the large figure above me. I thrashed around in my nest desperately, hurriedly trying to escape the crampt nursery.

"Duskkit-" Hissing in suprise, I batted my tiny and useless claws at the intruder and suprisingly heard a hiss of pain. A large ash grey paw batted at my head and sent me tumbling to the ground,"Mousebrain! Duskkit, it's me. Ashfur." Realisation dawned on me and I looked up to meet dark blue orbs staring at me. "What're you doing in here?" I mewed, a little scared.

"I came to visit you little mousebrains and Ferncloud, and when I got here you were thrashing around in your nest like a broken off lizard tail." Ashfur irratably growled, his tail tip twitching impatiently.
"O-oh.. I'm sorry Ashfur." I looked down at my paws, expecting him to scold me like the others do.

Ashfur sighed audibly,"Don't worry, kit. I'm not mad, just annoyed." My thin, shiney grey fur fluffed up in relief, and I looked around the nursery only to notice everyone was still somehow asleep.
"You came to visit in the middle of the night?.."

Ashfur ignored me and instead murmured something along the lines,"follow me."
So I did, a little curious as to why a warrior I never even spoke to before suddenly wanted to show me something. I trotted behind Ashfur happily, glad to finally be acknowledged by someone.

"So, kit.." Ashfur trailed off awkwardly, as if searching for something to talk about. A few moments passed by and Ashfur had still not spoken,"If you woke me up in the middle of the night for nothing, then I'm going back to the nursery." I chirped loudly, and I turned away and started to bounce back to the nursery when Ashfur bit down on my scruff and picked me up, carrying me over to the same patch of grass where I liked to hide.

"Hey! Put me down!" I tried to sound scary, but Ashfur silenced me with a cold glare. He dropped me onto the grass patch and he settled down next to me, his gaze glued to the gorse tunnel. He then mumbled quietly,"I got bored sitting vigil, I was gonna wake up Ferncloud but then I saw you and.." My icy blue eyes stared up at the large grey tom and I stopped squirming.

Ashfur had stopped talking and sat silently, watching the tunnel with me huddled up close to his side.
His fur was thick and woolly, warmer than Ferncloud's.
My eyes lit up with happiness and I suddenly pounced on top of Ashfur's back, he jolted and stood up, trying to shake me off.

"Hey! Quit it! Your claws are sharp!" He winced and suddenly rolled onto his back, crushing me underneath him.
"Get off!" I groaned and tried to squeeze my way out underneath him, and an idea came to mind. I sunk all of my claws into the warrior's thick pelt and burrowed them into his back.

Ashfur let out a yelp of pain and he stood up quickly, finally managing to shake me off of him.
I scurried out of the patch of grass and fled quickly,"Not so fast you little flea brain!"
Ashfur sunk his teeth into my scruff and swung around, he padded quickly over to the patch of grass and dropped me inbetween his paws.
In a quick and hurried voice,"Duskkit, you're gonna get me in trouble! Be quiet!"

I purred and looked up at him, he continued to stare at the gorse tunnel.
Yawning, I curled up inbetween his paws and drifted away into a comfortable sleep.

A pair of Leaf green eyes watched from the leader's den, clearly interested in what was going on between the two.
Are they bonding?...

Alive Again [Scourge x Ashfur]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora