"Caleb," I looked up and saw Sean was looking at me. "Don't you think you're being a bit rash about leaving?"

"What are you talking about Sean? We don't belong here! Have you forgotten about school and your family?" Sean shook his head. Mac sighed and looked at the floor regrettably.

"But what about Jade?" Mac asked hesitantly.

"What about her?" I gave them both a glare, and they thankfully kept quiet.

I couldn't give up on everything for a girl I had just met. Despite being neglectful, I couldn't abandon my parents. I also couldn't just walk out on my two year relationship for something new and exhilarating.

I walked downstairs with Mac and Sean looking for a telephone, which I knew was in Jade's study. I tried opening the door but as suspected it was locked. Sean picked the lock, and we walked in. I found the phone on Jade's desk and went to pick it up. I slowly dialed my house and waited for my mom to pick up the phone. By the third ring, I heard her voice.

"Hello," my mom's usually high pitched voice sounded somber. I knew this was my fault, and I couldn't help but feel guilty about it.

"Mom, it's me," I started softly, and the reaction was instant. My mom was squealing in the phone and for a moment I worried about my shattered ear drums.

"Oh God Caleb I was so worried about you! I knew you went camping with your friends but couldn't you at least manage to give us a phone call? I was extremely close to calling the cops. I know you usually never call us but this time your camping trip is longer than I had expected."

"I'll explain it later mom. I'll probably be home by tomorrow, okay? Love you," I hung up on her before she could say anything else.

Mac and Sean called their parents as well. I wasn't surprised when Mac's mother was even louder than mine. After they hung up, I hesitantly grabbed the phone again and called Lexi.

She must have been upset that I didn't call her throughout the week. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello...who is this?" Lexi's voice was callous, and I grinned.

"Hey baby, it's me Caleb," I grimaced when she screamed.

"CALEB! You bastard I've been calling and texting you non-stop and you never answered the phone! I can't believe you! I thought you were kidnapped or killed!"

"I'm alright, I just lost my phone," it was technically the truth. Geo and Mason never really returned my phone, and I have no idea where it went.

"Oh I'm so glad you're alright. Where are you?"

"I'm in the woods, camping," I heard my friend's urgently calling me but I ignored them. "Listen I'll be home by tomorrow, so how about we talk then?"

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you Caleb."

"I love you too, Lexi," I said as I hung up.


"What!?" I snapped as I turned to them only to find Jade, Geo, and Roger.

Jade looked hurt for a brief second, but she quickly masked it with a cold expression. I felt a pang of guilt for causing her to look that way, but I didn't let it bother me much. It's not like she and I were a couple.

Besides, she was the other woman in my relationship. If anything, I felt more guilt towards Lexi.

"You were planning on leaving," Geo said with a serious expression. I didn't turn to look at him as I kept my gaze on Jade. She didn't say anything, she just stared at me.

"Yes, I don't want to be here anymore," Jade turned away from me sadly before her eyes met mine. Geo frowned but didn't say anything else. "I want to leave."

"But she's your mate," Roger interjected angrily.

"I am not her mate," I said, my guilt was forgotten only to be replaced by irritation. "I don't belong here surrounded by werewolves."

"But you are one of us," Geo said through clenched teeth.

"No I'm not! I'm sick and tired of being told that I'm one of you," I snapped. "I am human, not an animal!" Geo bit his lip and clenched his fists to control himself.

"So you don't feel anything for me?" Jade finally spoke, and I shook my head stubbornly. "That's impossible because you're my mate."

"I'm not your mate, you're confusing me with someone else. I'm sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but I have a girlfriend named Lexi," Jade frowned.

I don't know why I couldn't keep my mouth shut as I continued. I felt a powerful headache as I looked into Jade's distraught eyes.

"I love her Jade, and I won't leave her for you. I can't just throw away something special for a novelty. " Jade's eyes widened before her expressionless mask was on once more.

"Are you rejecting me?" Jade asked coldly. I tried to speak but no words came out. I felt a powerful voice in my head screaming at me to say no, but I disobeyed it. After all, Lexi has been my girlfriend for two years, and I can't just throw it all away for a girl I just met.

"Yes," I said not really understanding just how much those words hurt her...and me.

"Then I accept your rejection. Go ahead and leave, nobody will stop you," Jade said and with those words she left the room. Geo watched Jade leave with a surprised expression. He looked like he was ready to follow her, but he didn't.

"Roger, fetch his car," Roger nodded and left. Geo then turned to look at me and he shook his head sadly. "You have no idea what you just did, but I won't lecture you. Just know that you made the biggest mistake in your life."

I ignored his comment as I went for my bags. Mac and Sean stayed behind to talk with Geo, but I didn't care. At the moment, I felt a bit numb and exhausted.

Once I walked downstairs with my bags, I noticed that my car was parked in the front yard. It looked the same way it did before it was destroyed. Roger wordlessly took my bags.

"Have a safe trip," Geo said once everyone was inside my car.

"We'll miss you Geo," Mac said as Sean nodded in agreement. I looked at Geo a bit regrettably; I didn't mean to offend him earlier.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and Geo stiffened.

"Those words should have been said to Jade," I sighed and looked toward the entrance of the mansion. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was disappointed when Jade didn't show up. "You are one of us, and I know that deep down you know it's true." He then pulled something out of his pocket. I recognized it as our cell phones. "I think you should take these back." Mac took the phones while he silently thanked Geo.

"Goodbye Geo," I said as I turned the car on and began to drive away.

I gave one last glance to the mansion and sighed when I didn't see Jade. 

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