Chapter 2 - Unleashed the fire

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En•chant•er - noun
A person who uses spells and magic.


Elizabeth's POV:

The smell of sweet and sour were the first things that occurred in my mind before I could my eyes. It was hard to open my eyes at first. I couldn't see anything, it was dark. My cheeks were pressed again the cold pavement of the floor. Every inch of my body hurts like hell. I tried to move my head a little. Every time I tried to move my body, there was always pain.

"Help!" I cried out hard. My voice came out more like a whisper than a scream. My voice was husky, due the dryness of my throat.

I heard the movement of the metals. When the bars of my cellar open with a loud creaking noise, thats when I started seeing the place where I'm staying. A dungeon. A man with red helmet on his head entered, a jag of water on his left hand and the other a small bottle with green fluid inside. He helped me to sit on the floor. He cringe when he noticed that every movement i made kills me.

"Take this. It will make you feel better." He said, sympathetically.

I took the water first. I chunk the water down to my throat without delaying. I breath, then drink again. When I was done drinking the water, I took the small bottle from him. It made a bitter taste in my mouth but I ignored it. It's one of the herbs my mother always made. It's a pain reliever herb.

"Thanks." I said to him lazily.

The royal guard just gave me a polite nod. "I'll fetch Lord Cedric." He said and disappear.

A few moments later two guards and a man with red hood entered my cell. The man with the red hood drop the hood that was concealing his face. He has a sharp pointed nose, and his eyes were dark as charcoal.

"Good evening Miss Elizabeth Prior, I am Lord Cedric. I am here to discuss some important matters to you, and I would really appreciate it if you will be honest to everything I'd ask of you." He said nonchalantly,

"How many days I have been in this dungeon, My lord?"

"Three days." Said the Lord Cedric.

I gasp.

"Three days? What happened? The last thing I remember I was in The Black Market and---" I said incredulously.

"Yes, you were here for 3 days. You've lost a lot of energy and blood, after you burned The Black Market to the ground. Something inside of you unleashed, and the King suspects that your power was triggered by the unfortunate assault of The Crown's Guards towards your brother. Or was it because of this--" he said, suspiciously pulling out a necklace from his pocket. My ruby necklace!

"My necklace, my mother gave it to me." I tried to get my necklace from him as I remember how my mother would not be so happy if she'd knew that I wasn't wearing the necklace she gave me.

"Ahh! Ahh! No, I don't think so." He distant the necklace from me. "What I think, this necklace was the thing that keeps you from embracing your power. It has been hiding your power since you were born. And, that was why The Crown couldn't find you when the Full Red Moon first shows up 17 years ago. At The Black Market, you couldn't control your power, am I right?" He asks, eyeing me cautiously. I nod, lowering my head.

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