Request 16:GarrothxPregnant!Reader

Start from the beginning

5 years later-

"Happy birthday to you!!"Everyone sings as Olivia blows at her candle.
Everyone claps and cheers while she laughs.
"My best friends 5!"Dante says walking over to Olivia and high giving her.
"Dante!!"She shouts hugging him.
"So,what's being five like?"He asks her scratching his chin,
"Well,nothing different from being four really...."She says laughing.
Dante laughs while Olivia runs off,probably to play with Malachi and Levin."She's growing up way to fast (Y/N).."Dante says standing beside me,watching her run off.
"Time needs to slow down,it's felt like 5 minutes instead of 5 years."I say laughing.

10 years later-

"MOM!!!"I hear Olivia shouting while I'm in the kitchen cleaning.
"Yes darling?"I say walking out side.
I see my daughter sweaty and panting holding a 'sword'(wooden stick).
"I DID IT!!"She says holding up her sword.
"Did what?"I ask confused,but interested.
"I beat Levin in a sword fight!!"She screams laughing.
"Well no wonder he's gettin old.."I chuckle.
"By the way my necklace broke,can you fix it?"She says handing me the golden necklace.
"Sure,follow me."I say walking into our home.
I start to fix the broken necklace,and I hear Olivia hop onto the counter.
"Mom,where did you get that necklace?"She ask me,I stop and look at her.
"Why ask now?"I ask confused.
"Just wondering."She says shrugging her shoulders.
"Well,your father gave me this necklace the day before he went missing.Thats why it's so important."I say smiling at the necklace.
"What was he like?"She asks,I look at her smiling.
"Garroth was a kind man.Yet very strong and noble,he would have done anything for the village,and his friends.
He would love you sweety."I say pushing the last peace of metal together.
"All done."I say handing her the necklace.
"I wish could meet dad."She says hugging me.
I hug her back squeezing her back.
"I know.."

15 years later-

Olivia's POV-

"I DARE YOU ALEXIS!!"I scream holding up my sword.
"HAHA!"SHe shouts holding her sword in the air."YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME OLIVIA!"She screams laughing like a maniac.
I start to laugh so hard I fall on the ground out of breath.
"Okay!Okay!Get up we wondered off to the woods we need to get back to the village."She says laughing.
"You would think that a fifteen year old and an eighteen year old would be more responsible,and especially since there both guards."I say laughing.
We start to walk back to the village,when we hear shouting.
Alexis looks at me,and we both walk to the source.
We stand behind a bush and see Zoe talking to a group of people,with there backs to us.
We look at each other,and decide since Zoe is talking to them we can to.
"Zoe?Whats going on?"Alexis says running over to Zoe,I quickly follow her.
Zoe looks at us as then turns Alexis around to look at the people.
We both turn around and They all look at Alexis shocked.
"A-Alexis?!"A girl with black hair screams.
Alexis stands there shocked,while the women runs up to her and hugs her.
Alexis laugh and quickly wraps her arms around her.
I look at the group and there all smiling at Alexis and the girl hugging.
I look at a man with blond hair and blue eyes.
He's staring at me.
"Alexis your so grown up!"The women screams laughing.
"Aphmau where have you guys been it's been fifteen years!!So much has changed!!"Alexis screams excitedly.
The man that was staring at me earlier walks up to Zoe.
"Zoe.Where is (Y/N)??I need to go see her.."He asks Zoe.
Zoe looks at me and I look at the man.
"Olivia,go get (Y/N) and everyone else at the gates.Now."Zoe says looking at me.
"What if they don't want to come?"I ask her.
"Tell them,'There back'."She says,I nod running off to get everyone to the gates.

Garroths POV-

"So it's been 15 years?"Aphmau asks,nervously.
"15 long years."Zoe says.
"Levin is 18..And Malachi is 21..."She says looking down.
Katelyn put her hand on her back while we continue to walk.
Once we make it to the gates,Zoe says she has to tell us something first.
"Now,I'm warning you all.Things have changed,and people have changed."Zoe says looking at us all,nervously.
"M-Mom?"We hear a voice say.
We all look up and see a man with blond hair.
Oh my Irene,that's Levin.
"LEVIN!!"Aphmau screams rushing to Levin while he jumps off or the ladder.
A few more people run over an there all shocked.
I see the girl from earlier running threw the crowd,with a women following her.
They stop and the worm smiles.
"GARROTH!!!"She screams running toward me,I smile and scoop her up and she wraps her legs around my waste.
"I missed you so much.."She says laughing,she leans back to look at me l,and then kisses me.
"Aaawwwww!"We hear a few people say.
She pulls back and looks behind her,and smiles.
She hops down and walks over to the girl.
"Garroth...T-This is Olivia,Olivia Ro'Meave."She says smiling at me.
"When you disappears I found out I was pregnant..."She says looking at Olivia.
I stare at her in sure of what to do.
"Olivia....this is your dad.."(Y/N) says smiling.
I stay silent not knowing what to say.
Olivia smiles and runs toward me hugging me tightly.
My vision blurs at I lean down to hug her tight.
(Y/N) runs over to us and joins in the hug.

This couldn't get better...

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